Temp Gauge Surprise

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by ltcmikem, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. ltcmikem

    ltcmikem Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    I finally got three of the four gauges in my '49 GMC working. The final challange is the temp gauge and I had thought it would be pretty easy since the capillary tubes / gauge heads are available from several sources. However, I just learned that the early AD/ND GMC's had electric gauge heads and sending units. A peek at the back of my temp gauge head confirms no capillary tube and two electrical connections (with no sending unit connected). I've found no vendors offering early GMC AD/ND electric temp sending units. I'm running a '54 Chevy 235 in the GMC, but have been told temp gauge heads & sending units must be matched. Anyone here have an idea, lead or suggestion?

    Mike M
    '27 Chevy
    '41 John Deere B
    '49 GMC FC-150
  2. Bossman

    Bossman Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    McMinnville USA
    You might give Obsolete Chevrolet Parts a call. They have all sorts of used stuff that they have scrapped off old trucks that's not in the catalog. I checked Chevy Duty and they don't list anything but the Chevy style.
  3. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Had no idea that such a thing existed. Someone should jump in and start reproducing them because there would be a market for them I bet. You can clean up the firewall on these old trucks by doing away with the cables and hoses and running a plastic oil guage line(don't really like em) in the main wiring loom, but you have to spend big bucks to have an extra long capillary tube made and since neither end is removable it's not handy to run in the loom or through the grommet. On trucks that are kept stock it's no problem but, the modified trucks out number the resto's 10 to 1 at our shop.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Temp Gauge Sender

    I'd try a temp sender for a '59 TF with 235 , assuming you have the # 848 cylinder head on your engine . it should screw right in and have the correct resistance .

    IIRC , the 1959 model year TF's came with electrical temp. gauges .

    The cool thing in old gauges is : the gauge head is the voltage sensative part , the sender cares not a whit about voltage as it is only a thermistor....

  5. ltcmikem

    ltcmikem Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    Bossman, Evan & Nate -

    Thanks to all of you for your responses. I'm not sure about the head # on my 235, but as soon as I can confirm the # Nate sent I'll pickup a sending unit for a '59 TF 235. I'll report back on my results.

    Mike M
    '27 Chevy
    '41 John Deere B
    '49 GMC FC-150

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