So I was taking my son to my sister's house today where we are having a cookout for father's day. My Dad will be 90 on June 30. He was there and, even though he can't hear himself fart, I think he enjoyed being there is the sunshine and seeing the old truck and such. Anyway, I am driving down the 4 lane at about 55 or so and the truck loses power. No forewarning, nothing. So, I am going through all the scenarios about how to secure the truck then get to sis's house. I of course tried to fire it back up and it fired immediately and I pulled out to continue. Here is the thing. The motor has never run this smooth before. There was a noticeable difference in the power as I came up through the gears. I love these old trucks. Every trip is a potential adventure. I figure something that had made a home in the fuel system must have been belched out. I figure if it had been electrical I would have been stuck till I figured it out. Just found it interesting and wanted to share, Gater
Whoa, Dude! Quick question. Was the previous owner a girl? Could she turn her head around 360 degrees and spew split-pea soup? Sounds to me like a fuel system problem. Are you running a fuel filter?
Yes, I have the original bowl filter at the carb and, I think I have an inline just in front of the electirc fuel pump that is mounted on the frame. I was kinda weird. It didn't really bother me cause I have been left stranded by a lot of my rides. At least this one had a great outcome. What would have pissed me off big time was cleaning up split pea soup in my truck. Gater
That sounds like it to me. I've heard of this thing happen when putting E-10 into vehicles that usually run of regular gasoline . . . the ethanol becomes a solvent and eats all the gunk and grime out of your lines, however, that gunk and grime will clog your filter and fuel injectors on a new car... That notwithstanding, I say you blew some dust out of the old girl. But one question still remains: when you lost power, did you lose ALL power or did just the motor die? If you lost ALL power, it could be a distributer problem.
Aimless, With my truck, the engine is all the power. I haven't looked in the bowl yet to see if there is a gift floating around in there but I will. Whatever it was might have been vaporized in one of the cylinders. I didn't see anything leave the tailpipe like when evil spirits leave people in the movies. If it did, I'm kinda glad I didn't see it. Gater
OK Nate, before Brit50 has a chance to say it! Is that all you Americans EVER think about is food? No wonder you're all fat!
Hey ~ you try growing up poor , cold , wet & hungry all the time ~ I moved to Sunny So. Cal. (warm & dry , check) Los Angeles (against the LAW to rain so dry , check) And finally getting a decent job (food , mmmmm no more hunger) I know I should get more excersize but what the hell , I wasn't supposed to live this long . 6' , 230 # , is that all that bad ? .
Hey Nate! Speaking of food, did SWMBO ever get her kitchen done? I've got some awesome recipes for you guys to try when you get it up and running. And please don't shoot the messenger. I just wanted to get one on up the Btrit50
The Kitchen From HELL ....No , of course not ~ there's been NO work done at all , whatsoever in over a month , it's a wonder I have any teeth left from grinding them . She got a new side by side refri installed and it has cold water and ice in the door so I'm working that pretty hard . I'd like to go fix this guy's knees to be double jointed , or at least turn him in to the City's licsensing dep't. but she says ' let it go ' so I'm practicing tolerance for some goofball who's ripping off my old lady with her permission....... We're supposed to grille some porkchops on the gas BBQ to-night after I get done with work and all .
Hey whats this hate Brit week? i just said you were all fat and your trucks are ugly! at least i left your fat ugly women out of it! ________ Blowjob asian
Ya'know Brit...I've been wondering what's been up your butt lately with all the negative comments and after reading your posts last night I figured it out. It ain't something that is up your BUTT. It's something that's up with the FRONT side. If I had the kidney stone from Hell like you've got, I figure my DOG wouldn't want to be near me...and I don't even HAVE a dog. So, I'm gonna cut you some slack regarding all the comments about our weight and such WITHOUT giving it back you cause you're hurting right now. Just remember, it's the size of our hearts that matters, not the size of our guts. Andy
Hey Brit, I wish I could argue with you on this one. We have some of the best heart surgeons in the world in my city. Now you might wonder why they would come to a metro area in upper east Tennessee where the population is only about 50,000? It is because the age old diet of ham, egss, biscuits and gravy for breakfast, ham, taters, and beans for dinner and ham, ham and ham for supper has made everyone here a walking heart attack. Heart docs come here because the cost of living is low, the crime rate is low and they will never run out of work. It amazes me when I go out in town at all the people who are grossly overweight. Also, one of the main illnesses here is diabetes. My wife works in healthcare and says that the diabetes is at such a high rate here because of the rampant obesity. So, you are right. I am 51 and I am about 10 lbs. over what the chart says I should be. Around here I look anorexic. Gater
having fun but with serious undertones Hey guys you know its all just a bit of fun and over here people are getting fatter, a lot of it has to do with people jus plain getting lazy, diet has its part but people just arn't active anymore, im a little overweight cos ive been working with my son for a couple of years and have just let him take some of the strain, but i know im only a few lbs heavier, but i cannot understand how anyone gets as big as some of the people i saw in disney and florida dont they have friends? I think no one can argue with Tailgater, and Chiro, dont matter how big your heart is if you guts gonna kill ya None of this is with any malice, i hope i havent offended anyone, it was all just a bit of fun and probably because you guys have better trucks than we do but there is a true saying, 'many a true word said in jest' and i was not digging at you guys personally just saying it how i saw it, and my brother has lived in Michigan, Florida and Detroit and agrees with me, so i will not be making any silly comments from now on, just truck only posts, and i appologise if i have offended any of you ________ GANG BANG WIFE
It's gotta be the drugs talking! Hey Neil, if you offended anyone on this forum with your comments, i've got a news flash for them: "Better grow a thicker hide if you're gonna hang with us" I doubt that you offended anyone-you just might have given someone a "wake up" call. Now, on to more important stuff. I was rather miffed at your last paragraph and consider it total rubbish! If we all thought like you, where would we be as a group? We'd be like the House of Lords or Congress! I for one am a smarta$$ and believe me, it ain't easy! I've had to work long and hard to hone those skills. I would appreciate it very much if you would continue to help me out in this venture. Pip, pip and cheerios (whole grain)!
Ken, What's it like to have to work hard to be a smarta$$? I guess I just never had to. Love ya Brit. You don't have to worry about my feelins' I just can't wait till the stone passes and we get more of those outrageous tales that you tell. Gater
It's damn hard work! I know what Brit50 is going through. It's like when Austin Powers lost his MOJO, baby, yeah! Come to find out he had it all along. What do you say guys? Who wants to help me find Brit50's MOJO? Smashing baby, yeah!
Kidney stones aren't my sort of bag, baby yeah. But maybe if you had one of those pumps that Austin had you might be able to suck that sucker right oun out.
Been tempted to try and sort this out myself gonna sign out before i pass out, run out of pain killers for today so am just gonna lay down, catch you all tomorrow ________ LAMBORGHINI LM003 HISTORY