Wife back from England with two memory lists, one with the usual food, castles, museums, historical sites, etc. for social situations and one for me. Mine has roads very narrow-ditches deep, Lamborghini rumbled through town like speeding tickets don't exist (bigwig ??), $32 "congestion fee" for driving into London during rush hours ( love that, and would cut out some of the one person to a car), real Mini Coopers are "mini". and a very depressing observation that junkyards are few and far between and very small--no 1000 plus acre ones like in the Dakotas, Montana, or Idaho or even 100 acre ones like Arizona or several other southern states. My prized souvenir is two golf ball size pieces from the cliffs of Dover. It's amazing, absolutely like the purist fine chalk and just as soft; I always took for granted they were limestone.
Sounds like a fun trip . Links to pix ? . If you look up auto crushers in Great Briton , you'll be surprised ~ there weren't any for the longest time so they had lots of junkers stacked up , then one fellow decided to set one up and make a killing on scrap metal ~ they had a big public do and the very 1st. car in was a 1938 (IIRC) Packard sedan , it wouldn't crush so after a few tries they red facedly took it back out and tossed in some LBC and pressed it flat .
scrap yards are a dying breed over here, legislation has put an end to them, most of them you cant walk into an walk around, you have to go to a counter and ask for a specific item and then they look to see if they have it on the shelf, sucks! Its all gone eco freindly crap ________ Suzuki gsx-r/4 history
Treason! She took some of the white cliffs a team of SAS will hunt her down for such an offence to our nation, thanx for the tip off! ________ Bmw Concept 7 Series Activehybrid
Calm down Neil, she bought two pieces in a neat little clear plastic box from some vender. Truth be known, it probably really is white chalk that they use to rip off tourists but it made her feel good so what the heck. She knows the usual picture post card, beer mug, etc. souvenir would just make me gag.
NTW Zig : LOL ! that would be the typical American I guess . No ,it means : Little British Car . Only those over 40 (or so) will remember those halycon days when our streets were clogged with tiny little British cars , most of which got over 30 MPG and few of which had heaters stronger than mouse farts They were fun and quirky though ~ all was good untill Lucas raised his ugly head... -Nate
Oh NOooooo!!! He said "Lucas". Prince of darkness BEGONE!!! My faith is stronger than your power. Had an MG once. Whenever the mischievous Lucas would rear it's ugly head, I would reach under the dash and grab the biggest chunk of wiring harness I could find and give it a really good back and forth shaking. That usually did the trick. It certainly was quicker and easier than trying to hunt down which one of those awful connectors was actually giving the problem. Once had to alligator clip a lead from the engine compartment all the way to the fuel pump over the windshield, through the cab, etc to make it squirt. Ah...those were the days. Andy
Joseph Lucas Said ...... ...' A gentleman has no business motoring about after dark ' The fact of the matter is : Lucas designed good stuff but the total lack of quality control caused by the stupid socialist unions , is what killed them .
No, NO , NO! SAS are in no way comparable to any of your forces, especially the CIA! they are the worlds elite! no offence intended. ________ Vapor Genie Review
No No No definately not like 007, there are a few (very few) books about some of their exploits, but the true details of their missions remain well kept secrets as do their names, many members of this elite force die unknown and in many cases not even their families know for many many years that they were in the force, its a real hush hush squad of elite guys who all british servicemen hold in the highest esteem, if you were a terrorist in a hostage situation and the SAS were called in it would be easier to put a bullet thru your own head cos its only a matter of time, these guys dont mess, they are usually in places like afganistan and iraq months before any other forces carrying ouy what you guys call black opps, but they never mess up, and they dont miss! Ever. ________ Make a vaporizer
Oh , I see ~ you mean like Sean Connery then ? . I dunno what Britishers are like these days but the thought of the impassive & deeply repressive Brit of yore , being trained in Black Ops & Wet Work gives me pause..... We all owe a debt of gratitude to those who serve . And remember : the good old U.S.of A. stands ready to bail your butts out (again) the next time you muddle it up That's twice now , right ?
A point of interest the first James Bond was actualy an American Barry Nelson in Casino Royal 1954. We Brits might be a bit more reserved than you lot over there, oh thanks for the help in ww1 ww2 (a bit late but helpful) but we are the one helping you lot at the moment in Iraq and Afganistan (trained by your good old CIA) Your Delta Force was inspired by our SAS and Navy Seals by the SBS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Air_Service#Security.2C_Honours_and_Awards All jokeing apart I hope they sort out something soon over there. There are too many people getting killed or injured, If there was no oil there would any think have been done? But we all now how Goverments work!!!
Warm beer Remember the old joke - why do the English drink warm beer? It's not true, our fridges are not made by Lucas.