What tool?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by J__P__, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. J__P__

    J__P__ Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    What tool is needed to put in a rear axle seal? I just put in new rear axle seals and bearings in my 54 3100. I filled the rear end up with oil and noticed today before the tires went on that one side was leaking out the drain hole in the axle. My make shift (old throw out bearing and a pipe) approach to putting the seals in obviously did not work any better than 50%. What is the right tool to use and where can I get one? Any other tricks to prevent axle seal leaks are also appreciated.

  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    As long as the driving end of the pipe was flat and square against the seal it should have done fine .

    Is there a wear ridge or deperession where the lip of the seal rides ?

    Is it possible you installed the seal flipped over ? .

    If you grasp the end of the axle and try ti lift it do you feel any play ? .

    Any of these will cause a leak .

  3. J__P__

    J__P__ Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    The only ridge or depression that I noticed was for the metal seal that went on before the new bearings.

    It is possible that I accidentally flipped the seal over but I think it went on correctly.

    There is a very small amount of play in the axle that leaks. I tried the other side that was not leaking and did not feel any movement but it already had the drum back on so it’s not exactly apples to apples.

    A new twist....
    From the time I noticed the leak; I cleaned up the axle drain hole and wiped off all the extra oil. I placed a sheet of white cardboard where the leak was before and have had no leak since.????

    Is there any way that I could have put too much gear oil in the rear-end and the excess oil was what has leaked out? I'm not sure I fully understand how the gear oil can come out the drain whole in the axle if the seal is leaking on the outside of the axle. Still new at this old stuff :)

    Again, any and all help is really appreciated.

  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Axle Leakage

    [updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-06 AT 07:56 AM (CST)]If the banjo is full to the edge of the filler hole and it's not weeping down the backing plate drain hole , fergeddaboutit .

    You may have just had some residual old oil in the drain passage that had to dribble out....

    The should be pretty much ZERO play in there , if you think it's O.K. just button it up and go test drive it ~ either it'll leak or not .

    You replaced the seal but -not- the axle bearing ? if it doesn't leak nor hum @ road speeds well and good but next time , always replace a
    rear axle bearing when the seal goes bad .

    Lastly , when you're under the back of the truck doing your annual rear end oil level check , you look at the little vent on the upper right portion of the banjo , remove it and clean it out as it collects dust and once plugged the resulting pressure buildup inside the banjo housing will force oil out past otherwise good seal...


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