Well, fellas, 8 months have passed since I decided to sell my '65 C-10. Needless to say when the time finally came . . . I couldn't do it. And so she remains in my possession collecting dust on the days I don't drive it and sucking down gas on the days I do . . . I would have missed her too much. She's part of who I am . . .
aimless: I am glad you didn't sell your rig. We always need another '64-'66 Chevy truck lover in the great state of Kansas. If you ever get to KC, let me know and you can come by and check out all the trucks in '64-'66 Chevy truck collection. Enjoy your truck and never let it go. Tony in Kansas City, KS
Glad see back AIMLESS !!I could never sale my truck,made my Dad a promise 19 YEARS ago to not ever sale it.Thats one promise I plan on keeping,its like part of my family.