I don't have any yet, but what say we post 'em here so we can see the best of the best? (Even if it is setting out in your own yard...)
OK, I'll start with mine as it was in 1992. Local neighborhood 4th parade with fire truck at the front, a bunch of kids on bikes, tricycles, skateboards, baby carriages, etc in the middle and me bringing up the rear. If you've noticed that my truck is a little low in the rear in this picture it is because it was carrying over 2000 water balloons in the back. Big time water balloon fight broke out just a few minutes after this picture was taken. The moon disks were a Christmas present from my daughter. Said my truck looked too much like a farm truck and these would make it faster. Note that they are the screw-on variety. Had to tighten the screws every few months.
What a COOL truck! And a water ballon fight??? Too much! I must say those are some right patriotic hubcaps!
They say-A picture is worth a thousand words! Bill, you told me that story, but the picture says it all! I don't know why you re-painted that truck! It looks pretty awesome as was! (Looks pretty good as is too!)
Happy 4th! Happy 4th of July guys. Here's my 53 sitting in the driveway this morning. All dressed up and no way to go - no gas tank means no car show today.
Good looking truck there Jeff. One of these days I'll slow down enough to come out and see it. It was good to hang out with you this past weekend. BTW good looking GTO you have too.
Next year for sure, right Jeff? That is a beautiful truck! I went to the show here. Was out of film by the time my dad and I made it down one side! ONLY ONE AD!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of cool cars, but cryin' out loud! Only ONE???? V-8ed to boot.
The show here was amazing. There were a couple thousand cars, wouldn't you say Kevin? A few ADs in the mix. One very impressive COE. BTW - It was good to meet you and your Dad there Kevin. My Dad had been waiting a year to go to this show and he loved every minute of it. I know what you mean about running out of film (or space on the camera) Zig!
https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=584&ppuser=5676 This address will get you started on the cars I got photos of. Enjoy them, and HAPPY 4TH!
SWEET ! nice looking truck . I had an AD gas tank I tried to give away here for several years , no takers , I dunno what I ever did with it . I rode on of my little Tiddler Motos in a small town parade to-day , (So. Pasadena) it was a hoot ! . one fellow had a nice '53 Suburban with all three seats and the brown coardboard interior too.... ambulance lights on it that still worked ~ even a Mars light on front . I hope all had a good day .