Hi. I have been a member for 3-4 years and have read just about every thread. I appreciate all of your insight and comments. Last year my father and I pulled the trannie. We accidentally tipped it and it cracked the rear cover where the torque tube bell would attach. There does not seem to be any way to fix it. Is there anyone who sells this piece? If not, does someone have one? Thanks! -Casey 1953 1/2 ton
Muncie SM420 Parts Casey ; There's loads of these fine trannies in most junkyard but the current crop of yard apes don;t even know what they are . Prolly cheaper to look for someone who's Hot Rodded their truck and buy the parts for pennies as no one wants these old heavy buggers except old truckers so they're difficult to sell . Good luck hunting ! .
Hi Casey, At least it didn't smash your finger like mine did when it fell off the jack. Try the Stovebolt page. Lots of guys with parts. You can probably find someone who will part with just that piece of the trans. over on that page. There's a guy known as Jimbo59chevy on that site and also on eBay. Give him a call. He is always parting out several of these trucks and I can almost guarantee he has that part. Andy
Thanks guys. I will search the stovebolt forums for anyone that has that piece. I will post up in some wanted sections too. If you guys see this piece hit me up because I may still need it. -Casey
You might also try Novak Conversions, they specialize in sm 420 conversions in jeeps. They have lots of sm420 parts Jim
rear cover Casey, you are looking for the rear cover that bolts to the transmission correct? If that is right, I have my old one from my 1950. It is the 4 speed granny low, floor shift version. Not sure if there are any differences. It was taken off my running truck when I converted to open driveline. It's yours for the cost of shipping from California if you want it. I have no use for it, just saved it hoping someone someday could use it! Let me know....Mike