I have 15" wheels with 6 lugs on my 3100 today. I understand the orginals were 16" wheels. Can someone tell me the orginal spec for the wheels and where I can find them. Will they fit on my existing drums? Thanks Gallomag
Gallomag~ try doing a "search" using the bar at the very top of this page. There's LOTS of info about this. I know Nate's gone into this in great depth as well as tire size.
Both 16's and 15's could be had 16" wheels were standard, however you could get 15" wheels as an RPO. The following link is from the Master Parts and Accessory catalog and it will give you tire sizes and wheel sizes. www.chevy.tocmp.com/1929_54chevyparts/05/367.HTM
I have a set of each (15 and 16). I like the 16 best. they look better and the tires look like vintage. I got my tires from Coker. They look like original but are radials. They ride much better than 6 ply. I thought i wanted the 15 on for getting wider tires and a softer ride, but the 16 Cokers are the way to go(for me!). Watch what you buy in wheels and make sure to buy the right width. The 15" wheels come in several widths because they were used on cars and trucks.
Tires Are CRITICAL Depending on your running gear , the diameter of the tire should be about 32" As these are real trucks and heavy beasts at that , do not use passenger cars tires ! . Your should use LT , ' D ' or better rated tires as having a blowout in an AD is always an ' E - Ticket Ride ' and most often involves a crash too . Radials are a must , careful size selection gets you the proper one that looks like original .