Well, many a truth has been printed on this thread!! I spent 15 yrs and untold ( i better not tell) $s getting it perfect!!!! stainless steel bolts, nuts, flashing and anything else that i could. It's great to drive (original 235 -- it's a 54 Chevy 3100), but it still gets scratched, oily and blows out the seal on a rebuilt water pump.... result was antifreeze everywhere. Just do your best, drive it and enjoy it!!!
Gater~ what goes around, comes around. I had to laugh a little when I read that post of yours. I did carpentry work before becoming a teacher. I worked alone. It's funny- you do work for an elderly person and lend an ear, before you know it, you have elderly people calling left and right. (and rightly so- too many get ripped off) What had me was the listening part. I lost sooooo much money, and pissed my first wife off because I got so little pay for the time I "worked". We're all Gods critters, and we end up face to face with people sometimes that makes us squirm. However~ it's not by accident. Whether you get the truck or not, giving your ear was worth everything. I, personally, hope you get it! It would be too cool to know you'd be gussin' up a 3/4 also. Even if it WAS one of those "pretty boy" Chevy rides... ...that EVERYONE has... We'd have to do one of those pole things that teacher did. See who has the coolest 3/4... Now- go get the 3 / 4 !
! Amen ! Here's to no more junked trucks that were drivers before teardown I'm guilty of this too you know .