Though my guages work fine, I suddenly have no dash lights. When I jump the red main power wire at the headlight switch to the green dash feed wire the dash lights come on fine. Headlights work fine and I have replaced the switch to no avail. Advice would be welcome. (Yes, I have turned the knob at the switch). Don
Billydonn The following link was given a few pages back by DVALENTINE... it has helped me tonns. Thanks D. check out the tips and tricks section on the left had side... BILLYDONN...IF YOU GET A CHANCE I WOULD LOVE TO SEE SOME PICTURES OF YOUR TRUCK AND A COMPLETE LIST OF MODIFICATIONS/UPGRADES YOU HAVE DONE. YOUR TRUCK LOOKS GREAT AND I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE YOUR APPROACH WITH MY TRUCK. please email me some pics if you get a chance, Cheers.
The dash lights are powered by the GREY wire behind the dash cluster. The guages themselves get power from another source. Check the fuse panel closely if it is still original. ALSO, check to see if you have rear running lights. The dash lights will go out if the rear running lights fuse is blown. ( kind of a crude warning non-light) If it's the factory fuse panel, I've had the fuse block crack not allowing power to flow through to the brake lights. ( bout drove me crazy! no blown fuse, wires checked out, what the heck is wrong ?? ) Val
Updated info: Truck was rewired by me 18 months ago using Am Autowire "classic update" kit, and all sytems worked. Schematic shows hot feed to the switch (red) with green output wire from switch to the main harness via the fuse block. Main harness then has connectors going to grey wires that run the lights. Reminder- when I bypass the switch with a jumper wire (green to red) the dash lights come on. Conclusion I draw is that fuse and harness downstram from the swith are okay. IT MUST be a contact problem in the switch eh?
" IT MUST be a contact problem in the switch eh?" It's starting to sound that way... Replace the switch and see what happens.
my fellow doofusses (doofi?) My fellow doofuses: While riding home last night, other motorists were kind enough to, mostly politely, inform me that I had no taillights. This morning's investigation revealed a blown fuse that, when replaced, also restored my dash lights. So...for the edification of all: It was a blown fuse to the taillight circuit! The instrument lamps on these trucks seem to act like a warning that you've lost taillights. Though my truck has been completely rewired, I believe the stock wiring works this way too.
I could be wrong, but I've seen this same condition in GM vehickes. When the tail light fuse blows, the dash lights go out. I Think it was intended that way to let the driver know, " Your taillights are OUT !! ". Val
taillights Val, You are not wrong... I have seen this before myself, I think. It just happens so infrequently that we forget how it works. There are two power supplies to the headlight switch. One is unfused red and runs the headlights and dome light. The other is orange fused "park light" circuit that is instruments, tail and, I think, brake lights. When I jumped the red power in wire to the green "dash" circuit I was substituting the wrong input supply, which should have been orange, not red. (The Am Autowire kit does retain most of the circuit designs and color codes done by GM engineers.) Hope this thread will help someone else.