This picture does not do the truck justice. It was SO SLICK. I like everything except the radio placement
i agree. it would be nice if they had used one of those new 12v radios that look just like the old ones and a cd changer. also, i wish the steering wheel looked more vintage. did it have a 350 in it? jon
The steering wheel wasn't bad. It was an aftermarket wheel and did look somewhat vintage (more vintage than the column) I think the radio needs to be moved down below and....back up in the shadow of the dash.
I'd take it! If I twern't a Chiefs fan and painting my truck to match, that would be the color I'd go with. SO classy looking! Thanks Flipper.
yeah, i love the color. and i'm not much for lowered trucks, but that's a nice stance. the tonneu cover is pretty sweet, too. jon
Sweet I bet the paint alone cost more than my truck is worth ! It looks like Anthracite Grey on my 'puter , izzat correct ? .
Yeah Flipper that was a nice AD. That steering wheel, is it a new fad or what? I've never seen that wheel until this show and they were on everything. I thought it was pretty cool. Here are a few pics I took. The red one with the rear fenders backwards, well I'm not real sure about that one yet. But to each their own right?
okay a few more of my favorites. The blue 53 F100 will be on the cover of custom classic trucks pretty soon. He saw it finished for the first time this weekend and it was definately a show stopper. I know these aren't AD's but I figured you guys would like to see them anyway.
Nice~ Except for those F#*# pictures!!! You F#8# lovers are going to KILL my eyesight! Welcome to my color-blind world That truck that Flipper posted is a beautiful medium dark green No gray, or even a hint of gray! Those ADs are nice~ but just wait till you see my G.
This being my first post here, it will be my first of probably many dumb questions. How does one open the doors, from either inside or outside, on the green truck? Harold
Not a dumb question, Harold. The truck has had the door latch converted to the "bear claw" type. This type latch, which is way safer than an AD latch, can be released by tripping just one lever with a straight pull which means a solenoid with a remote control does the job. Very same setup as the remote door locks on new cars--you know the ones that beep the horn and flash the lights to let you know it's activated. There is a new latch with intregal solenoid out now that eliminates the cable from the solenoid to the latch that could be a source of trouble. We like to put the latch in the door pillar when possible so an emergency release cable can be run under the car/truck but on an AD the weaterstrip ledge doesn't give room to do this and still have a seal. On these trucks we put a copper strap on the battery post on the back of the alternater (if battery is under truck) so a jumper can be hooked to it to furnish current to the door releases. Vehicles with an inside hood latch need a "charging port" which is just a heavy wire to the battery, alternater, or solenoid to which you can hook a jumper. Here's a pic of a bear claw conversion on an AD, less the latch itself, to give you an idea of what's been done on the handless doors.
Have you all noticed the trend towards painting ad trucks green? just like mine, I lead, others follow.
Not for Daily Drivers? Welcome, Harold! Another person from the West Tennessee area! Cool! You'll have to spend more time and tell us about your ride. ...I see it's not a G... Evan, that's a slick thing to do, but what if you get caught in a freezing drizzle deal? I've almost pulled a handle off the door trying to break a frozen seal. I suppose this wouldn't work in a similar situation?
Welcome, Burro49, It is great to have another Tennessean but I would have initially told you that you have to climb in and out the window NASCAR style. Leave it to Evan to get technical right off the bat. Gater
Welcome Burro. What part of Tn are you from. I'm in Smyrna, south of Nashville. Like Bill said these trucks are sunny day drivers only. I saw a very cool way get in the truck this weekend. Instead of a remote it's a magnet that trips the solenoid. Very cool idea and looks to work very well.
Idea! I need something that I can use on my daily driver! Maybe I could use really strong magnets for my locks and a plunger for my opener... They have pretty good suction, I could stick it to the door and pull real hard! And strong magnets are- well- strong... The best part is, I have a G! That's what everyone would expect anyway, right?! I could stash my door opener in the bed of the truck and nobody would even know! Hmmmm..... I might have to send Bill his door lock back....