anyone have this problem? i thought it was because i reattached the throttle cable to the linkage, and that cable has some bends in it, but i pulled the cable completey out and the pedal still sticks to the floor. i think i'll squirt some penetrant on the linkage and clean things up a bit, see if that helps, but the return spring is still there, and everything looks normal. i'll post a picture tonight. thanks! jon
Jon ; You have an InLiner engine right ? look at the bellcrank , if it's wobbly on it's post , remove it and unscrew the post from the engine look for grooves worn in the post , have them welded up and then have the welder re-herden it , same with the bellcrank , if any of it's holes are oblong or egg shaped , they need fixing right now , the stamped steel bellcranks you can weld flat washers onto to get 'em back in good shape . The linkage rods can wear on thier round pivot ends , weld up and grind back down again . NO BRAZING ! must be welded ! . DO NOT simply add a super strong return spring to it as this will cause further wear and worse jamming . If you have a V-ate or cable throttle linkage , remove the cable off the engine and make a loop of it in your hand , now see if the cable slides back & forth sans drag , it must ~ any drag when the throttle cable is looped , means it's worn out , this is the same for ANY Bowden cable , Moto , PTO or what all else .
yeah, i've got a 235. i'll be tearing into it tonight to check on that stuff. thanks a bunch, nate!! jon
got it figured out. I'M AN IDIOT! i had been fiddling with that thing for days, and my buddy (old timer farmboy) came over and looked at for about 5min and said "hey, you're oil line (from the oil filter) is rubbing on the thingie that comes out from your pedal!" we moved the line, re-tightened it, and voila! problem solved. i never noticed it. it's always something simple. jon
btw, i did check for oblong wear on all of those parts, and although i didn't take anything off of the truck, from what i could see, they all seemed fine. no excessive play. awesome information, though. thanks!! jon
So Then ; Your thingie was rubbing on the whatchamacallit and you bent the whoosis to relive the pressure and all is well now ? Don't forget to check for proper adjustment of the Kneebler Rods and Johnson Bars next
Don't forget the dunafacher! The muffler bearings reminds me of a true, really is!!!, Story. I worked at the VW dealer in 68 in the parts depart. the guy on the wash rack liked to go to the auto parts store and pick up stuff for the dealer. One day he left out and i called the auto parts guy and told him to tell the wash rack guy to pick up a couple of extra muffler bearings. Well, the guy told him the we needed muffler bearings and had called and asked for him to pick up a couple. The parts guy then looked in his parts book, went to the back and came back and told the wash rack guy that he was out of muffler bearings. However, he suggested that his buddy now the street might have a few.. Needless to say, they all had a great time sending him to several auto parts shops before he got back. They would call ahead and tell their friends to pretend to look up the part, check inventory and tell him they were out of stock. He came back with the sadest story of how no one in town had any bearing in stock!!
Reminds me of how to break in a carpenter. Send them to the store for 50 feet of fight line and a couple of sky hooks.
I was 15 or 16 or something like that and working for my dad over the summer in his structural steel fabrication shop. Heavy, dirty, sweaty work. He had a friend on the next block who also had a small welding and steel shop, much smaller than my dad's. The guys in my dad's shop were always trying to put one over on me. I actually went to the shop on the next block and asked them for several "sky hooks". All the guys got good laughs at that. Then I caught on to the trap when halfway to the next block I turned around when I realized that there was no such thing as the "box of slag" they sent me to retrieve. Good times and very funny. That's where I learned to weld and use a torch. Andy
Many years ago when I was an apprentice engineer 1 of the lads got caught by the old faithfull "go to the stores for a long wait and dont come back till you have got it" after a couple hours the foreman gave him a right b******g for wasteing time and not to make up storys why he took so long. Gerald
Great stuff ! When my buddy ran a Cheif Auto Parts Store , we always broke in the new counter kid by tewlling him we needed some " Piston Return Springs " for a '62 Chevy with 409 CID V-ate , he'd have to call downtown and ask the _real_ parts guy to look up any " hard parts " ~ one time , the noob in the store must have gotten a noob downtown as that guy said he thought he'd found some but wasn't really sure..... When my other buddy got a job in the L.A.P.D. Air Support parts room , they asked him to order up a boxfull of " Prop Wash " He called me to ask where the heck to find it...