MY truck earns it's keep in all manner of inclement weather . Lucky for me , there's very little freezing rain or hail in So. Cal,
Thunder is dark forest green, i guess we started a trend in AD world! I have 1954 push button door latches, i like these just fine. Sounds like Zig is goin to the feed store to acquire a couple of rumen magnets to keep the g's door's closed. Jim
Maybe not, Jim! I just checked Andy's site to see what it's worth, and pitted a G against a C. Seems as though I LIKE that site! G's are worth MORE! (and no, I did NOT create that site!) After seeing that~ I may have to scrap my Ozark methods. rats I think I will have to stroll out to it tonight and tell her I miss workin' on her.
I know what you mean Ken all those nice cars are distracting. That truck really did look good as far as being nicely built, but the backwards fenders don't do anything for me. Speaking of nicely built trucks, I finally set my rear end down on the ground with my new air ride saturday. It's gonna set so low. Frame rails are only 4 inches from the ground. Can't wait to see it with the body on it now. I haven't got the front done yet but it won't be long. I'm going back to Paducah this coming weekend to get my engine so I can take it to the paint shop. Feels good to finally be coming along. Oh yeah you remember that 32 coupe I had, here's a few pictures of it with the new owner. It makes me sick that I sold it now, what a stupid move.
Kevin, don't feel bad about selling the '32 I think we've all been there, done that. The frame's looking mighty good! You techno-boys never cease to amaze me BTW, Happy belated birthday. I would have baked you a cake last week, but it would have smelled like fish!! Hope it was a great one!
Zig I haven't got all the front painted yet because of the front bags aren't completely installed yet. But the rattle cans do make this frame look good. Ken I'm not much of a fish eater myself so the bass flavored cake probably wouldn't have been eaten, but thanks for the thought. How about your truck, have you heard much from it yet. Is it painted yet? Keep us updated. I'm trying to get a free weekend to go check on it for ya, but it's gonna be a couple of weeks still.
Needs body work first My "guys" have got some body work to do on it before it gets to that stage. I sandblasted and primed all of the major metal when i was home in May. One front fender needs some minor straightening work done on it, as does the hood. The runningboards are solid, although the driver's side was not solid enough to "best" a fence post in a prior life so it will need some straightening out. Kevin, I appreciate you volunteering to go check on it for me, but you've met my "Ace in the Hole". Mom is 10 miles from these guys, so I hope, for their sake, that they don't screw up! It's a father and son team; the father was one of dad's best friends for 35 yrs+. He's a retired bodyman and painter. His son is also a bodyman, fabricator and painter. The dad has a '32 Chevy sedan street rod, the son has a '49 chevy pu street rod. Like that Allstate commercial, "It's in good hands"!
Sounds like it's definately in good hands. Plus it being a friend of the family then most likely won't screw you over. He probably knows how your mom is and won't screw with her right. Poor guy if he did. I can't wait to see it when you're in next time.
Tailgater,its nice to know,someone,who likes these old trucks as much as i do lives so close,almost neigbors. i live in castlewood virginia.your old truck,in years past could have hauled coal by my home.small world,after all. i live on route71,29 miles from kingsport.
Welcome, Heavy, It's good to have someone in this neck of the woods. I live on the other side of Kingsport about 12 miles near Fall Branch. This is a good place to hang out and learn about these old trucks. Especially listen to Nate. He is the Guru. Gater