Hi Room. Haven't posted in awhile but do read alot of them. Just wanted all to know that my 54 is nearing completion. I would just like to say thanks to the forum and Chevy Duty for suppling me with parts. Truck will be on the road in May. Just wanted to let the ones starting out know that time isn't the issue when doing these old trucks. I have had a blast learning about the history and meeting everyone else that has a love for this AD trucks. http://www.clgw.net/~tonyp/The%20Beginning.htm
Yeah..I remember when you started posting.m I was working on my 55 first series truck at that time and since moved to a 57 Chevy. I still have the truck, drove it today as a matter of fact. When I get the 57 running my wife said one has to go. I hope she was just talking vehicles and not me. Congradulations on your retirement.
Hopefully she is talking vechicles. Just wanted to share this. I have currently been trying to raise the stock for Chevy Duty single handedly. I bought front and rear bumpers and then the next day I bought the roll pan. I just figured out that the rear bumper isn't used if using the rear roll pan.. Just a lesson to the newbies..make a list of parts you need.
Teacher54, does it look like the roll pan "could" be used with the bumper also? I have been looking at possibly adding a roll pan, just to clean up the rear look a bit. I figured it would likely need to be modified to clear the bumper mounting, but should be doable. Any thoughts from someone who actually can see both parts right in front of them? Is it possible, or too much of a problem? Thanks for any feedback.....Mike
Sorry about delay in getting back.. It would be useless doing it with both. You would have to cut holes in the roll pan for the rear brackets...Defeating the purpose.
LOL. I did exactly the same thing. Except mine were in the same order I was able to return it but was out the shipping charges here and back. Chevy Duty should probably add a note to the roll pan description.
RE: Roll Pan Teacher54 Thanks for sharing your experiences with all of us. I enjoyed the pictures and am looking forward to your Page 9 and the final completed truck. It looks awesome and from my point of view - you have done a Great Job and should be proud of your accomplishments. The only mistake I can find is that you didn't leave a 235 in it! Attached is a picture of a rear gravel guard I bought from Patricks that keeps the rear bumper in its original location. Actually this rear gravel guard looks like an option Chevy should have had. I hope you enjoy showing your truck as much as I do mine. Ken http://iserver.chevyduty.com/dcforum/User_files/44237143095c1621.jpg Attachments: https://talk.classicparts.com/images/attachments/44237143095c1621.jpg
RE: Roll Pan [updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-06 AT 08:22 AM (CST)]WOW. When I do see finsihed trucks it just makes me that much more ready to get mine. I do like the gravel guard, but I didn't see them in CD. It would have worked for what I wanted. I just didn't like the open gap between bed and bumper.. Will post page 9 soon. I appreciate the kind words about site.