Welding goof

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by crew_cab1978, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. crew_cab1978

    crew_cab1978 Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    Does anyone have some good advice on shrinking the side of my bed back into shape. I got a little carried away welding the gas filler neck closed. I oil caned the side of the bed in and I need a little advise on shrinking the metal to get it to pop back out. I was told to heat up a quarter to fifty cent piece area at a time and then quinch with ice cold water. If this is correct do I just work around the opening where I welding in the patch over the filler neck, then out until it gets closed to smooth? Any adivce would be appricated.
  2. Heavy86Chevy

    Heavy86Chevy Member

    Oct 11, 2006
    British Columbia Canada
    heat the metal in the center of the dent to shrink the metal as you bring the panel back out. if it oil cans in again try again. when you pop in a dent the metal stretches and will come back out as much as it went in. it needs to be shrunk back, popped out, and block sanded.

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