Which forks ~ the tranny internal ones or the ones in the shift box on the steering column ? . Saginaw Three speed or Muncie SM420 four speed ? . In either case you should be able to have them re-welded using ' hard face ' and then grind them down to suit , remember to only file / grind a little bit at a time and test fit as you go . Otherwise I think E-pay is the place to look . -Nate
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-06 AT 10:16 AM (CST)]Thanks for the tips, it's the internal forks I need, for a three speed (original Chevy). I'm not faniliar with epay, where do I find them? You don't mean eBay, do you? I've looked there and have not found anything, yet. I know they can be rewelded and ground, in case I can't find these forks. Stephan 1950 Chevy PU - 235
I think I have seen them in some of the on line catalogs. I got a 2nd-3rd fork from a local guy. He had more 510-792-4390 Don's Antique Auto Parts (he might be hard to get a hold of). Steve