Rofl! I'm with you on that! I need to take some pictures of the guy that made the first ever fleet line, extended cab AD. There's a guy who frequents our weekly "shine and show" who took an AD and extended the cab AND made a pickup bed from an old suburban with the orginal back fenders and made a cool ride out of it! Pics to follow!
Actually, someone has posted that truck lately, maybe from the Beaumont show. Here is a picture I took of it during the '04 Spring TX Longhorn Rod Show.
i always wondered- how the heck do you change the bulbs when the headlights are frenched like that? jon
The same way you do when they aren't. That is a kit that you buy and the fender really isn't frenched, the light kit is just recessed. It's a great look, and I'm really leaning towards using it on mine.
No Fair!!! Okay Kevin, Give it up. You talk about this faux frenched light kit and then don't provide us with DETAILS???? How rude!!! Seriously, where is that kit available from? I have never seen it before? Hey about those park/signal lights that are fabbed into the grill bar. Bet changing THOSE bulbs ain't so easy. Andy
Thanks, Bill! We're out there. I mean, we are out among you guys that can afford/want the "professional" look.
Sorry Andy I didn't share with you but here is the site that I will most likely get mine from. Sorry CP, if you guys sell them then let us know and my order will go to you guys when I'm ready for it.
" Frenched " Headlights IIRC , my Kustom Kulture body guy uses 1955 Ford sedan headlights , they have big beefy rings making it easier to do a professional looking job .