This is a dual-range Hydra-Matic in my '57 GMC everyday driver, same as the '55 and earlier Caddy/Olds/Pontiac transmission. It has been 112K miles since the last (only) transmission overhaul. Dropped the pan last night and found way too much brass. Steve Peluso's would be my shop of choice, but he is around 2000 miles away. Nielsen Brothers Automatic Transmissions in LA has a good reputation. Still a bit too far. I'm in the Houston TX area. Any of you have first person experience getting a Hydra-Matic rebuilt in the Houston area?
Bill, 2 things. #1, i've got a Thompson Repair and Tune-Up Manual that covers Pontiac Hydromatics up thru 1950 that might help. #2, I know a guy who recently opened up a shop at Hooks Airport who seems to know a lot about mechanicing and restoration of older cars! Let's get together and discuss it! BTW, looking forward to Classy Chassis in a couple weeks.
I'm in pretty good shape, manual wise. Matter of fact, that is about the only way I'm in good shape. Have the Original GMC truck Hydra-Matic shop manual, GM automatic trans parts catalog dated 1957. GM Delco automatic trans parts catalog dated 1968 that covers back to '41, NAPA Hydra-Matic manual, GM United Motors Service Division Hydra-Matic Transmission On-The-Car Adjustment Service Manual, Hydra-Matic Overhaul Practices for GMC Trucks, and a couple others that I can't remember the names of. Daughter's family is moving to a one story house starting tonight and I've been volunteered. Her husband is a great guy, but doesn't do mechanics very well, so I'll be unhooking and rehooking washing machine, refrigerator, etc. They have movers for packed boxes, furniture, etc, but the new place is only about 2 miles away so we will move lots of stuff (clothes, pictures, contents of garage, etc.) that is easier to just jump into the back of the GMC without packing it. So it will be at least next week before we can get together.
Any interest in a 248" GMC 6? I may have tracked down a replacement for the tired Hydra-Matic in my '57 GMC. Owner is turning a 55.2 GMC Suburban into a motorcycle trailer hauler for his business, replacing the running gear with 500" Caddy/TH400 & NOT a 4.11 rear gear. He says the 248 (predecessor to the 270 and bigger brother 302) and Hydra-Matic were running good when the rear end cratered. He removed the transmission and engine in one piece. I've made an offer on just the tranny that he will take, but I thought I'd let the GMCers on the forum know about the availability of the engine in case there was any interest. Engine and tranny are near Alexandria Louisiana. I'll be heading that way over labor day to get the tranny. The engine will go cheap. Interested? PM me or call me @ 281-320-0258.
Bill go to and grab the 800 number. Talk to Leon. He has most everything you may need for the trans and is also a great source of info.
8/31/07: Engine spoken for. I'm heading to Loooooosiana Sunday to pick up the tranny and engine. Engine will be sent to Atlanta.