Hey guys, Well on the way to getting my truck back together. One of the last pieces that I haven't figured out is the seats for my 52. Upon looking at a newer style (98+) Chevy truck it looks like the seats from one of these pickups will work. Nice thing is they have the seatbelts built into the seat, so I'd think for the safety aspect they'd be great. Anyone ever used these before? The dimension seem to be that it will fit with about 3" to spare. I could leave out the center console (which is 12") it would certainly fit, but I like the 40/20/40 seat as a complete set. Anyone else gotten any dimensions for seats that worked in the AD trucks? No gas tank in mine so no worries there. Thanks! Andy
Safety Thought I'd want the seatbelts anchored to the floor of the cab , not the seat as I've seen too many seats rip free from the tracks... There's an old thread in the archives showing lots of different cool seat ideas .
Andy, I saw a truck at the Street Rod Nationals in Louisville a few weeks ago, and the guy had a bench seat from a late model Chevy truck in it. It fit great! and he still had the gas tank in behind it. He said that if he had it to do over, he'd put his gas tank under the bed, just so he'd have some storage room behind the seat. He said he'd never had any problems with the tank there in over 10 years. He also mentioned that the seats after '98 (I think) had the seat belts in the seat. I assumed he meant that the belt looped up over the seat back through a guide and down to a floor anchor. I also wouldn't want just the seat anchoring the seat belt. I just happened to be at my local salvage yard a few days later, and there was a truck with a correct color bench seat in great shape for $75. I haven't gone back to get it yet (too hot) but the guy said he'd hold it for me. I think I'll ride around on my newly covered original seat for awhile just for old times' sake. I have a '98 full size Chevy truck, and it has the 60/40 split seat, which I really like. I may hold off buying the straight bench seat to see if I can come across one of those in good shape/right color. Anyway, good luck if you decide to go with a newer seat. It will work!
Excellent news! I also found a set of late model Dodge Dakota seats that looked a little narrower...but the Chevy's are preferred, especially since they aren't too narrow, and if someone has seen them before in a truck I'm in! With the amount of testing that newer vehicles go thru I feel safer with a new seat/seatbelt combo than an old seat/aftermarket seatbelt combo. But that's just me, and that's who I'm concerned with. Who knows, there's probably 50 other things in the truck that could hurt me at any given time. I remember a 66 Caprice that I had...It had the key right in the location where my knee would go into in an accident...that would not be fun at all! Andy
Hey Slug I worked for chevrolet for a while and know the seat you're talking about. The complete seat belt assembly is embodied in the seat itself and does not mount to the truck at all. They are a very safe seat belt though they don't mount to the body in any way. I wouldn't worry about the seat coming undone from the floor in a crash as long as you know what you're doing with metal work it shouldn't be a problem. Now if you use to small guage steel in your floor then there is a problem, but if you do it right then no worries. I vote if they fit and you like them, then go for it.
Kevin, I thought that was right...complete seat belt assembly in the seat. Will certainly look at beefing the floor. I've got this guy doing the sheet metal and suspension install (I'm 2000 miles from the truck so its a necessity...plus with my lack of time here in Seattle...). The guy is so freaking fast I can't keep on top of him. I've seen his work before so I know its quality. I just can't supply him with parts fast enough! The seat is one of the last unknowns. I feel like it's holding him up even tho he just put the 9" rear on Monday (the kit arrived late Friday). Best of all his prices have proven to be very reasonable...if all turns out well I'm going to have to post a recommendation for him on here. Never seen a person jump on a project like this before... Andy
I highly reguard that big metal pipe sticking straight at my chest as one of those 50! That's why I'll do the shoulder harness belt. Especially if I can get mine rolling around 70mph.
andy unfortunately i have no pics or dimentions for you however i have set my truck up for a set 04 chev buckets without the center consol. i welded in some 3/16 angle to stregthen up the floor. i have also seen 91 chev bench installed, wich i happen to have from a previous wreck, it was so comfortable i keeped it, now in reck room. i fiited it in the truck and it fit but for my liking was about two or 2 1/2 inches too wide the cornners of the seat were crouding the corners of the cab
I used a bench seat from a '90 full size Chevy pick up in my '49. Plenty of head and leg room and the tank is still behind the seat. It just barely touches the doors on the sides. I did have to make mounts for it to get it at the right height.
55 bench seat fit in my 53 There is a guy here that is giving away a 1955 bench seat that is totally upholstered and looks great (so he says), and wants to give it away. It's taking up some room in garage..so on so on.. He said it wouldn't fit in the 53 cab and I wanted to see from you guys what you think? I need to pick it up tonight or in the morning... Thanks, Cody Maybe if it doesn't fit, I can always sale it...
Nate Sez : GRAB IT ! And you had to ask ?! If you don't like it and it truly doesn't fit your truck (it should) you can always trade it away . I'd love it .