From the old-chevy-truck e-mail list: To the ever wise and all knowing list, Greetings all! I have the engine out of my Jimmy and I wanna 'freshen up' the engine paint while it is out. I took it out cus there is a 'slight' oil leak to the tune of 200 miles to the quart. Is there a rattle can version of GMC Orange out there somewhere that would work on an engine?? Humbly asking for your wisdom, Durwood
Thanks, Bill! I'd love to be able to come up with a correct answer, (for once) but I am letting originality slip from my hands and letting it slide into the depths. My G will sport a nice RED look.
In response to Durwood's query... I don't think it's gonna happen. I thought that it would be easy to find a rattle can engine paint for a GMC orange/red, but all I've found is a couple of vendors who sell it by the quart, not aerosol. Man, I remember the good old days, when you could walk into a KMart, BigK, Gibson's etc, and buy any color engine paint in a bomb and be happy! Not only that, but you could go to their "automotive" section and buy a tune-up kit specific to your car or truck that contained the spark plugs, a set of points and a condenser for less than 5 bucks. If you splurged, you'd get the deluxe tune-up kit that had all of that, plus a new distributor cap! Man, those were the days! All hail the 60's and 70's!
That is when stuff was made here. Now try to find something that doesn't say "Made in China". I wonder why everything is made in China now? (Caution, could be a can of worms opening) Gater
Go ahead and open it! Ask Mattell the same question! We, as a Nation, have copped out to shareholder value. I used to hold WalMart in very high esteem. Why? Because when Sam was alive, they bought and sold only "Made in USA"! But now, we don't care about quality, keeping honest US citizens employed, doing the right thing, we are only concerned about the bottom line. Oops, I've done something tonight that I promised that I would never do again. And that is, rant in a public forum. But WTF? I hate what we, as a nation have become, but there's not anything I can do to change it. I guess I will continue to be the silent majority and let the bleeding heart liberals continue to drive this great nation into the ground so that we can be politically correct and not offend all of the SOB's that haven't ever done one thing to help us, but have always expected a hand out from us! Sorry about the rant! Sorry if I offended anyone! NOT!
The paint I'm using on my GMC is Dupli-Color Chevrolet orange red DE1607. About the closest paint you can find in a rattal can. Chris
Ranting Man are you guys lucky. Couple of adult beverages and I wrote a rant inspired by Ken that would curl your hair. Lucky I hit a wrong keystroke and it all got erased before I embarrased myself. Time for bed. Good night. Front hub bearing on my Explorer kicked my ass this week. Hardest job I've done on a car in 30 years. Worked the slide hammer for over three hours to get it off. Finally pressed it off by inserting 3/8 bolts and nuts between the hub and the control arm and backed it off a little at a time. Man, are my shoulders sore. So sick of working on cars all week I can't believe I actually adjusted the valves on my AD today. At least THAT went easy. G'night. Andy
That is the paint that I'm using on my engine as well. Actually I am using the universal red because I wanted a really bright true red. I used their 1200 degree grey primer from duplicolor and then painted the red on. I talked to a body shop and they said that paint would hold up just as well as theirs was. So yes Zig I went with the old rattle rattle again. I promise the truck will be professionally sprayed though.
Not a can of worms. just worms being bought from there. There is candy which is directed at the Spanish speaking people which has moths hatching from the package, worms inside the candy. They are poisoning our pets, selling us nasty food, painting our children toys with products we outlawed years ago. They have shot out a satellite earth to space then said ooh that never happened. Hack two or more other countries computer systems not to mention our own Pentagon computers. I've about decided to put back all the original equipment on my truck. Kind of sad when Wally World went to buying there. When the UK took over China back when, they had them hooked on opium; we are hook on and in need of everything. Just my two cent piece on it. Charles (ccharr) ‘48 3804 reg. as a '47
Lakka Lakka Lakka.... Spray bombs work O.K.. I use red as it'll fade over the years with the de-greaser I use every couple months , looks good . I don't use primer on engines as it makes the paint easy to chip . I always rinse the block with Ether from a Foo-Foo can before painting , watch out as that stuff will make you pass out and bonk your head if you breathe the fumes whilst rinsing... As far as rants , I'm pretty darned conservative in my views but Halliburton is worth a good rant right there so no one is clear of blame . Wally-mart has a predatory method of running local businesses out so I don't like shopping there *but* when I'm on one of my cross country jaunts and the whatevertheheckitisthistime breaks , I sure do love finding one in the smack dab middle of _nowhere_ as they're cheap and don't sweat folks spending the night in thier parking lot.... Clean bathrooms too Andy , I hear you with those pressed in drive wheel bearings , don't ever bang one in/out as it'll fail shortly thereafter , guess how I learned this ? any press works , Arbor press , big old C clamp and some sockets , Bubba standing in the truck whilst you use a trolly jack under it even just DO NOT bang them ! . You know I canot work atall right now buy my brother's big old Mercedes W-126 blew an oil cooler line so I wrestled that bugger for several hours yesterday , man am I in pain now and I could only get oe of the cooler lines out , even after jacking up the engine 8" ~ whew ! what a job . There's a new movie just came out called " Only The Brave " ~ a WWII pic about Japanese Nisi soldiers , you're not going to see it in the local CiniPlex so watch your college theaters or rental places as it's a good flick and a true story too . Two of the principal actors play poker with my brother every friday so I got invited to the permire last night . Ken ; Those old $5.00 tune up kits @ K-Mart etc. were usually made by Wells Ignition and SUCKED so badly I cannot begin to explain . There's still TONS of good , cheap ignition parts out there for pennies on the dollar , I was at an Auto Jumble a couple years ago and ran across a CASE of thousands of boxes of brandy new Delco Remy 235 ignition points , for only $2.50 the pair , of _course_ I'd just cashed out on some other good deal so off I trotted with tears in my eyes Knowing what stuff fits your particular oldie will allow you to score killer deals on parts , example : I'm a VW nut right ? so when I see a table full of N.O.S. brake cylinders for , say $35.00 each (good price BTW) but not labelled as to what years they fit , I'll casually ask the seller what do they fit ? and when he says " old VW's ! " I know he got them for free or cheap and has no idea how to actually sell them , so I'll offer $2.50 per wheel cylinder and I'll usually take every one he's got , in out out of the box as long as it's new . I don't argue and if he begins to tell me how rare they are etc. I just remind him he doesn;t know what they fit and has he sold any yet, I'm willing to rake a chance @ $2.50 each then I walk away ~ the seller almost always comes a running after me as no one else willl have bought these rare , important , hard to find parts yet.... Of course I know I can use any year VW brake parts , either on one of my oldies or I can trade 'em as I know what's what .
Speaking of engine paints, that's actually where I'm at right now. I just got mine painted and now I'm starting to bolt on my accessories. I'm havling a little more trouble than what I should with some of the fitment but it'll all work out in the end. My headers don't seem to fit right on the drivers side and I can't use the mechanical fuel pump because of the motor mounts set to far out, the local flaps give me the wrong water puimp and they say they cant get the right one, so I had to order from summit.. It gets a little frustrating, but it's still fun. Here's a few pics of what I started with to what I have now.
Yeah I went with an edelbrock 600 with the endurashine finish. I don't know Sh#t about carbs so I thought it was time to learn. Maybe next time I'll go EFI. The tranny will be painted to match the engine. Actually it was supposed to be painted today, but the exhaust fitment issues I'm having kinda put me off on that. Plus it was time to cut the grass and revamp my landscaping so that has taken me all morning. But now I'm back out to the engine.
Kevin, The engine looks great. I can't wait to see pics of it sitting in the frame. You must have had more rain in your end of Tennessee that I have. I have mowed my yard 4 times this year. I usually have to mow more than once a week to keep it from getting ahead of me. I don't know how far behind we are on rainfall but we were 12 inches behind a month ago and it hasn't rained since then. Gater
Thanks gater. Yeah it rained off and on all day today and a little bit off and on a couple of weeks ago, but before that it was 2 months of dry and hot. Today was the first time in 1 1/2 months that I've mowed the yard. And really the only reason I did today is the weeds were starting to get a little high.
Dang, Kevin! Is it hot in here? I think I'll have to go excuse myself... (!) What a great looking motivator you got there! (and it's all "rattle rattle"... you should see my grin, really!) The frame, the engine, I'll pm you on how to do the body incase you missed my onepost on that! Awesome job, dude! You getting there in a hurry! Thanks for the pics~ It makes me so happy to see the can's handy work!
I finally got the stamp of approval from the RATTLE KING!! Thanks Zig. I'm still gonna leave the body for somebody who really knows what they're doing. Remember I'm still shooting for that magazine cover. But look at Jimmy Shine (so cal speed shop) he doesn't even have paint and that's one of the most famous street rods out now. I'm trying to get a lot done because I have 1month and 5 days until Ken gets to my house. I've got to get busy so I'll have something ot show off.