Where is Boop's Dad?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Kens 50 PU, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    OK, I realize that it's not Thursday and I haven't gone to my favorite watering hole for my obligatory margaritas yet, but i've got this burning question. Where is the preacher/sheriff's deputy that we all know and love? My guess is that he's actually rebuilding Bev's '63 Falcon and he's ashamed to post here! I, for one, miss him. Little did I know that he'd go over to the dark side and actually try to rebuild a..., dare I say it, a F*rd car! Robin, if you're out there in cyber-space, give us a sign. I'm worried about you, but more importantly, i'm worried about Boop. Give us a sign (don't burn a bush in my front yard, or split Galveston Bay) but let us know you guys are OK.
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Iirc ,

    ...He said he was going to be quite busy for a spell .

  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Aren't we all? Have you given up on us? Tailgater and his nubian nannies? Chiro and his custody battles?

    All I want is a "hey guys, i'm cool! Boop is awesome. Bev is busting my :eek: to get her Falcon done"

    Am I being selfish?
  4. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Yeah, I was kinda' hoping for one of those, "I'm to tickled with this story about Boop, I JUST GOTTA share it with you," kinda' posts...

    Come on TB'sD, let us know whazzup!
  5. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    It's not one of those "once you go F@$D you never go back" stories is it. Hey Robin where you at these days.
  6. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Yeah Robin,

    We miss you:(. Where you at and whatcha' doin'?

  7. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    Ok the truth He started that other F&#d project and found out what some of us already knew. They are not as much fun as the old AD's and know he is buried deep in old rusted parts,floor boards,etc... Probably has not been on the site in months. Maybe Boop will come on and give us a younger person's version of the Fun driving a AD and tell us some tales. Hope she has the project out each & every day.
    Do miss him we all sort of had our hands in that truck at one point or another.
    Calling all cars ! Calling all cars ! be on the lookout out for the missing Robin man ?
  8. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Praise the Lord, there's been a sighting!!

    I just got off the phone with Boop's dad. Had a great conversation with him! We're about a month away from getting cigars from him as his daughter, (not Boop) is pregnant!

    He's got more irons in the fire than an old fashioned Texas cattle drive! I told him that we sure did miss him on the site and he promised to get on and chew the fat with us really soon.:D
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2007
  9. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    Feelin embarasssssssed

    Hey, you fellows are great, glad the boop and I are being missed.

    Honestly, it took Ken callin me up on my inter-steller communication device and shamin me. :D

    Nope, I aint workin on no F**D YET!,, gotta git-er-dun but just a little short on time.

    Actually I have put other things aside to use my extra time to get a room ready for Klaira,,, yep in four weeks my first grandbaby will arrive, and since you asked, OH YEA, I'M EXCITED:p

    I have other projects in the dream works, but gotta get Klaira here first, hold her and kiss her and keep her in my pocket for a while... then when she is asleep, I'll catch a bolt or two here and there.

    I ended up with 6 of the wonderful old AD's, hope to get a couple going over the next few years, so I'll still be here.

    I also got my hands on .... {is it ok to say JEEP} on this site? Or should I say GP or General Purpose for those of us who are OLD. It is a 1946, still running,,, cool or what?

    And then there is the Falcon, I want Klaira to be the first grandbaby to ride in it, so got to get on that thing.

    More later..... didn't mean the first post in a while to be a book

    BTW - did I mention that you fellows are great, you stuck by me and the boop and didn't give up on us

  10. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Congratulations on the coming grandchild. I pray that mother and child are healthy. If this is your first grandbaby you will have to share some stories and pics. Maybe I will be able to share some someday if I can get my kids grown. Good to hear from ya. Don't be a stranger.
  11. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Good to hear from you Robin. Glad you finally touched base.

  12. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Welcome Home !

    Robin ;

    A new baby in the house ! great news .

    Is you Jeep a CJ-2A or an ex Military MB ? if it was really late 1946 might have been a super early production CJ3-B , those are wierd & wonderful but no longer common .
  13. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    Back -sorta in the saddle again

    Thanks for all the kind words, I know I don't deserve them after abandoning ship for so long. Got kinda caught up in the dizzyness of life...

    But, here I is!!!

    Nate - don't know about the GP yet, havent seen it, stupid huh, but for 200 big-uns, don't figure I could loose much.

    It belongs to a friend at work, says it's all original, never been restored, says its the original green or what's left of it. He said it ran last hunting season but got hung in third gear, then his dad died, so he just wanted to get rid of it. He will be SORRY, I think.

    He said best he can remember it has 3 sticks in the floor, shift, 4WD and low/high.

    Hope it's a keeper, I do think I could get my 200 $ back:D

  14. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Flat Fender Army Jeep

    ?? $200.00 ?? !! :eek: :D WOW ! .

    Amazingly , there's still loads of these old rigs out there in running condition for $1,500.00 or so.....

    A buddy of mine found one RUST FREE but no engine/tranny for like $50.00 and then had the devil of a time selling it and kept bugging me as I'd told him it'd sell in an instant for $500.00...took him over YEAR to sell and for only $150.00 IIRC ~ what the heck ?! . I don't understand .

    GPW is made by Ford , MB's were made by Willys . most parts interchange .

    BTW , Ford made far more than Willys did but after the War , folks scrapped good Ford GPW's to fix up beat up Willys MB's.... :rolleyes: go figure .

    Your buddy is going to have seller's remorse soemthing fierce so be ready , DON'T sway .

    have fun and post up some links of grandchild and old Jeep when you get a chance .
  15. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    Got to share a funny, at least now I can laugh

    I didn't want to start a new thread for this since this ain't no Dodge site but I had to share this (now funny) with you fellows, we all need a laugh now and then

    BTW - this is a prime example of the life I get up to all to often...

    At approx. 15:00 my sweet wife in route to do her good deed for the week at the nursing home stops by the church to make copies.

    At approx. 15:00 and 1/2 she steps out of the 3/4 ton heavy duty cummins powered extended cab, did I mention Green Dodge truck.

    At approx. 15:00 and 3/4 she turns to shut the cab door and :confused: the truck is no longer where she left it.

    At approx. 15:01 she grabs the tailgate, is jerked to the ground, jumps up and off she go's, yelling "NO, NO, Somebody help me"... multiple times. And the defiant truck crosses the street and onto adjacent property.

    For the next few minutes she, with great vigor pursues the run-a-way vehicle at top speed with a full head of steam... not the truck, but her.

    Bear in mind the truck is headed down hill in drive.

    She keeps keen eye contact as the truck comes close enough to a LARGE pine tree so as to slam the passenger mirror into the glass. The afore mentioned vehicle strikes dead center of the bumper a WELL planted cross tie, yes it lay'd that sucker flat taking the next thirty small post and 4 more cross ties out like dominoes.

    She continues the pursute through a large thicket of briers, over a large pile of brush (at least before the truck hit it), barely missing a boat trailer. She then gains on the slowing hit and run truck but allas it regains it's zeal and plows between two more pine trees, you guessed it, slapping both mirrors in harmony against both door glasses. Are we following still?

    Just for fun the the vehicle side swipes a storage building, a pile of lumber, two peach trees, a cactus... all before plowing nose first into a 6 foot ditch... enough to stop any self proclaimed, unoccupied disobedient DODGE.

    NOPE, that didn't stop her, remember, it's a Dodge. She (the truck first) exits the ditch, crosses the next city street, plows into a 4 foot ditch and she's off and running again,,, yes, my wife also. Still yelling "NO, NO, Somebody help me".

    The vehicle veers to the left, sparing a large pile of debris, and BINGO... as if planned, she targets a large oak, center mass, and with a huge KISS, she leaves a huge, an impressive, a whoppin massive blob of green paint.

    She (the truck) bounces off the tree and strikes again with a vengance. My wife on the other hand has slowed the pursuit, now full realizing that all her yelling and panting has only encouraged the truck to defy her.

    She (my wife) stops mid road, stomps her foot and yells "NO, NO, Somebody help me).

    Nobody saw a thing, nobody ever came out to see what all the ruccus was, nobody called 911.

    The moral of the story... never trust a Dodge to stay where you put em... :D

    Having to the best of my knowledge, given all the facts in full truth, I will conclude this story with the final results.

    1. (most important) all my wife got was two skinned knees.

    2. The truck was totaled

    3. The bank gets the full pay off since it was financed.


    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  16. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Nate, Nate, Nate...

    You know, Nate, one of these days I'm doing a post like this. Or should I say, "YK,N,OOTDIDAPLT."

    Let's see...

    GPW is made by (you can type it, I won't)

    "God's Piss in the Wind" (?) is made by ... (see above mentioned name)
  17. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia

    Thank God nobody got hurt. Since nobody gothurt I guess I'm allowed to now LOL:eek:. Was it the oak that finally stopped the truck? How is it that she stepped out of the truck while it was still in "drive"?

    BTW, we all know you're ecited about your upcoming grandbaby, but how IS the Boop getting on?

  18. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    All I want to know is...

    Did that thing have a HEMI in it?

    Glad Bev is alright! How long are you gonna wait before you start kidding her about it?
  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Runaway Dodge

    LOL ! Robin , I am so glad SWMBO wasn't hurt .

    I'm also glad to know there's more than one person who's seen this happen before :rolleyes:

    O.K. Zig , I'll bite : spell it out for me , no coffee yet to-day :p

    Sorry I spoiled your day by dropping the "F Bomb " on this public list where innocent Women & Children are reading :D :rolleyes:
  20. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    In the interest of marital harmony, it might be advisable to just find an excuse every time she wants to drive the Boop's truck??????
    Thank goodness that no one was hurt!
    Buy her a Chevy, they're much less recalcitrant!

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