Hey Zig, This one is begging for a new owner. The sale says Florida but the fine print says Tennessee. It is too far away for me down in Middle Tenn between Chattanooga and Nashville. Gater http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1954-GMC-hyda-matic-1500-flat-bed-truck_W0QQitemZ290159293655QQihZ019QQcategoryZ5348QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Zig if you send the money I'll even go pick it up for ya. Only about 1hr 20min. from my house. Send extra money for storage of a GMC. If it were a chevy then it would be no charge, but to go outside and look at that grill every day, that'll cost ya!
Add says "first year Hydra-Matic". True if it were a lowly Chevy, but GMC's had Hydra-Matics in '52. Of course Nate would argue 'real trucks have three pedals'.
No Argument ! It seems to me that Chevy had the world beating Dual Hydromatic tranny in the 1953 year model , no ? This looks like a fun old truck but he says the cab floor has rust so it must be really bad , I don't think it to be a $1,500.00 truck like he does . I'd prolly go $500 ~ $600 if I were there to look at it . It is a " rare" one tho'