Turn Signal '66

Discussion in 'Electrical Shop' started by reedersax, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. reedersax

    reedersax Member

    Jun 23, 2007
    I recently ordered a turn signal switch and after it was installed both signal swtches would blink continually. There is no hazard switch that I am aware of on this model. After monkeying with the switch, I could get it to stop and then it would start up again. I took out one of the switch wires and traded it with the opposite one and now it has stopped (for the time being) and when I signal left both sides blink again. The right side seems correct. Is this just a faulty harness or is this something that I should try to fix?
  2. Soba_03

    Soba_03 Member

    Jul 21, 2007
    RE: turn signals

    Yours might be a little different then mine. I would unplug everything on the dash. I mean headlight switch.Dimmer anything in the lighting circuit.
    Plug them all back in. Also not sure if your truck has emergency flashers. set and release 4 ways if so equiped.

    I've been fighting a simular problem on a 68 for a few weeks. This is what i've done....I'm hopeful it may work for you.I'm pretty sure my problem was caused with headlight switch plug.

    good luck......

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