I second the motion. Too easy to just switch out the torque tube since Evan is in a giving mood. Lubbock to Dallas and back, do it in a weekend, take the kids to Six Flags and go home with a free torque tube! You can carry it in an open bed pick-up if you protect your bed rails and tie it in good. Half of the work s already done, the thing is out of the donor truck. Jim
And if you have the sm420 tranny, and want to go with an open drive line, I have the rear cover and open yolk from a donor I bought to replace my original. I used my closed yolk. Would be willing to trade tranny parts (rear cover and yolk) to keep my spare sm420 complete. You should keep your speedo gears, mine were shot. Jim
Guy named jimbo59chevy parts out LOTS of trucks in Cleburne, Texas. He is currently advertising on eBay and the stovebolt page that he has several complet torque tube rear ends for $100.00 each. His phone number is 817-648-3249. But, I like JIm's idea of trading yokes also. Just that bolt up a new torque tube rear and you are driving again in no time. Andy
I am rebuilding the rear end in my truck but I can't get the pinion bearing back into the housing. It looks like it needs to be pressed in but i don't have a press. Any suggestions? Also do I need to put in a new okie bushing? all the bearings looked just fine and there was no slop or play in them.
Oakie Bushing Always replace the Oakie Bushing because it controls the oil from leaking past , draining the tranny and over filling the rear end where it'll leak out and ruin the rear brakes.......
Oakie Bushing Fun Don't forget the special tool ! . I used a hardwood block to install the new one . I froze it to make it smaller as sometimes they bang right in , other times they're a tight fit . If you use a metal device to install it , it'll likely mushroom and get stuck 1/2 way in and ruin your day .