Hello guys ! i am searching after a upper radiator hose...and can't find a correct 1 I don't think this 1 is so special ? Look at the photo's please. I bought 1 at classic parts and 1 at LMC...no good.Here in Belgium i did 5 stores,also nothing. I bought a hose that normaly fits every car but yeah.....not my Chevy,it slips off,so to dangerous to drive like that. It is for a Small Block 283 V8 and the radiator i think is also the correct 1. Somebody knows where to find the correct 1 on the internet please ? Or will somebody buy me 2 off these and send them to me with USPS ? I pay with Paypal,all expences payd + extra for a beer or 2 ! Please help me i need the hose because it is to dangerous to drive with the Chevy now that he is allmost done. Thanks !
Try going back to one of those parts stores and try to get hoses for a 327 v-8 or 350 v-8,keep your receipts so if they dont work you can bring them back, had a buddy have the same sort of problem he got one for a 327 or 350 and it fit ok after that.Hope that can help you.
Try a flex metal radiator hose. Looks sweet. http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10002_761913_-1_11377 http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10002_119660_-1 http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?MfrCode=GOO&MfrPartNumber=52425&PartType=13&PTSet=A
Yo ! The problem is.......i live in Belgium and can't find the correct hose in a shop so i must order on the internet in the USA. A flex metal radiator hose i have bought,thats the 1 thats slips off,it is realy nice but not secure...metal hose with ribs,rubber end caps.The water is comming out. I'll will find 1 on time,the truck is not ready yet.The paintjob is really gooing nice.This is a photo of the color.
Hosed? Dijoo, I recommend: A. get a 45degree swivel thermostat housing- billet or whatever- from Summit/Jegs etc. This will get you up higher and allow you to go out around the drivers side of the oil filler tube. B. get a 1 1/2 inch hose coupler from jagsthatrun.com... you may have to call them but they have it (cheap). This allows you the flexibility to splice two hose ends together to form the exact hose you want. C. I have had good luck with the hose for '66 327 from Brothers trucks.com. That hose may not work for you due to the fan shroud you have. I had to alter mine when I went to a fuel injection setup. Pic attached. Good luck!
This is a regular rubber hose for 64-66 with a 283. http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductD...ype=13&PTSet=A
I can't tell from the photo, but it appears you have an aftermarket chrome theromstat housing. You might want to get a stock one or a more expensive one that billydon is referring to. Have seen numerous people over the years have a lot of trouble with the chrome housing not fitting right, diameter incorrect, and leaking at the block.
These trucks came with a metal pipe inbetween the two different sized hoses. THAT is why there is trouble finding a hose that will fit properly. I used the thermostat housing diameter measurment when I ordered a steel hose kit. The adapters that came with it were a very snug fit at the radiator, but a bit of WD-40 and it went on. There were some small leaks the first 50 miles or so, but I kept tightening the clamp and they eventually went away. Val
Thanks for all the info guys ! It is a aftermarket chrome thermostat housing but just thesame as the original that was on my old motor. I am preparing something now,something like the 2 photo's of dvalentine. The paintjob go's well,it is not blue but....how do you spell it....turqoise i think.It is blue-green ( apple blue-see green)
It had nothing to do with EFI My point really had nothing to do with fuel injection. And it was totally consistent with advice that has come in from others. Note that Val's first and second pics use exactly the part I suggested: 45 degree swivel housing. (Crew Cab... correct: though more expensive, these usually fit better than the cheap chrome housings.) AND both of Val's pics have metal pipe spliced in... which I suggested also...though the part I pointed to would look different. Green/Widie's hose is the one I suggested from Brothers... just rotated a bit- see my first pic. (Mine is cut off midway to splice in another hose end). Since Dijoo is in Belgium, he is at a disadvantage and will need the greatest flexibility possible to solve his problem- which a splice pipe (one with raised ribs on both ends to hold the hoses on) will provide. Green/Widie's hose with the 45 degree neck alone might also work. I have learned through the years working on these trucks as my own "mechanic" that one must keep a cool head and solve problems for oneself. With a lot of years working around these truck/engine combinations-I'm not bad at that. And my truck was carburated for many years, FYI.
Backwards hose?? G&W: The hose you show sure looks like the stock 327 hose that fit my engine perfectly (with the 45 deg. housing) when the engine was carburated. A picture of that is attached and it looks pretty much like your application. (I cut and spliced it to fit when I went efi.) That hose is 1 1/2 " ID on both ends. I assumed that Dijoo's oil filler tube would be in the way. Just curious.. what did you mean by backwards? Did you mean you reversed the ends of the hose or what? I'm confused a little by Val's idea that oem had two different size hoses connected by hard pipe. If he is right about that , then the aftermarket or GM must have solved that by changing the size of the connector on the therm. housing so that a single size hose will work. But perhaps this issue is now academic- I suppose the main thing is we seem to have helped Dijoo out... hopefully.
" the aftermarket or GM must have solved that by changing the size of the connector on the them. " The only one I found was not for these trucks, and I had to cut it in the middle to fit over the factory intermidiate pipe. I can't remember "what" it was for. I do remember it took many tries to get the right one thanks to a very helpful Napa parts guy. Val
Yes I turned the hose around the wrong way. It is a stock 327 hose. I don't think Dijoo's oil filler would be in the way as that is how the stock 327 oil filler was Dijoo has not replied, so I guess he has figured it out.
I have a question, where is the leak at the rad side or the water neck on the motor.? I was sure that all the SBC & BBC gas motor's had the same size water neck's I see yours is chrome. Some times you have to sand the chrome off ( to get the shine off or all the chrome ) just up to where the hose covers 1/8 of the chrome so it does not slip off & looks nice still. I think your rad pipe might be smaller then the motor size water neck. use a dial caliper. I got some size off some I had here.By turning it a round from the biggest to the smallest. The GM Water Neck 1976 -350\ 1.559 to 1.576 car 1980 -305\ 1.574 to 1.590 car 1987 -350\ 1.558 to 1.578 truck Now if you can find out what size your rad tube is where the hose goes, you can get any hose & do put a copper pipe in the middle for now till you get a nice looking pipe. Then have all the right bends sizes, no leaks. So you drive it test it. Till you make a nice set up or get a nice set up. Oh nice color. How the job coming any more pic's. Did you get the hose fixed yet.?