goin with a 261 swap

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by lazys53, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    Ok fellas, I've been down this road tooo many times. Asking for info and help. My mind is made up for good!! I'm going for a swap out my 216 for a 261 from '60-'62. All I need is the info to make this swap. I understand that the 261 wil fit perfect in the engine of my '53 and that I need the the shorter water pump pulley,right? Now what about the mounts? i found a site..(www.precisionegine.com) they say you pick out the engine and they build you one. I gotta get in contact with someone at their place to take, you know? Find out all the facts. Then I'll be on my way. Now, just the HIGH-PO anyone knows that I CAN do to this engine. Anyone out there ever done this swap? But this is it, Nate! You know I've changed my mind too many times. This is it!! I'm going for the 261 swap. But , do I stay with the stock driveline? Or would it be better to go with maybe a turbo 350 or something like it? Not too sure about the "3 in the tree " that I got in my "old man" at this moment. Would I be able to echeive mph's that the 261 is capable of with the stock line? Rear-end, heard about using a buick regal or OLDS.. Cutlass Supreme's rear-end? You? Well, I'm just finally glad that I've made my dawm mind up!! Look out! soon as this is done!..I comin out , with pistols blazin !! drop a line #####, help another brother out. check you guys soon..........lazy
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: a 261 swap

    You'll find the 261 slips right in as if it was a 235 , the bell housing and all fits .

    I'd stick with the stock tranny etc. for the moment , tall tires will get you good raod speed whilst you sort out the carbys and etc.

    NO automatic tranny unless you want a Hydromatic as the TH350 adapters all break , sooner or later . I'm not quite sure what the issue is as I never tried one after seeing ALL the guys who tried befor me , have failures .

    Good on you ! . keep us posted .

  3. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: a 261 swap

    Ok Nate. thanks for replyin'. I'll stick with my tranny and rear. I'll take both the tranny and the rear-end down to a tranny shop to get rebuilt and add the 3.55:1's from Patricks. This way, all will be rebuilt and ready for the road. When you got your truck on the road or even after, besides the engine and driveline work, was there anything else you did to get him in top shape? You know, is there other things that I'm over-looking? Oh...Brakes! OK, I can hear you already. So, do I go all-out and put disc's on all 4 or just the front? Or just the back? lazy
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: WHOA ! (stopping)

    Actually , since I routinely drive and tow , in the mountians , I am running........

    Totally stock Huck brakes (scary , huh ?) I had the shoes re-lined with the " F F " class friction material as recommended by Bob Adler , it stops fine .

    I'd say adding discs up front and installing a set of good quality LT , D rated or better _radial_ TRUCK TIRES will be the very smartest thing you can do , safety wise .

    I assume you know these old rigs are DEATH TRAPS (wifey not reading this) so adding seat belts is a _must_ , no B.S. here , I've seen WAY too many dead bodies .

    There's plenty more but you should get it up and running before getting in over your head .

  5. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: a 261 swap

    Thanx again Nate. I'll keep you posted on the rebuild. Still got to make it down to the guy I have in mind, for the rebuild, just to check out his shop and ask some buisness ?'s, you know, get a feel about it. Make sure this is the right place to go. #####, in reality, this is my only shot at getting what I want. Thats why I'm going in KNOWING I'm doing the right thing with the right place. So, I'll keep you in the know. Just to make sure I'm going the right way. Thanx again Nate. If you lived in the Reno,NV area I would buy you a beer, just to say thanx. So, you're next one's on me. lazy
    PS ...LAZY is what the my homeboys from my town call me......my name is Jerry..good to meet you, too. Jerry
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: THANX !

    ...Let's make that a cola as I'm dry these days .

    I only wish I had the time to drive my rattly old pickup all over America (what a GREAT country eh ?) and meet & greet all you great folks .


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