Where is Boop's Dad?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Kens 50 PU, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    been reading all the post

    Again, sorry it's been a few days since last post.

    You fellows have been busy with all sorts of fun, me,,,, dealing with insurance companies, atty's, bank, etc...

    Imagine this... I no longer have a truck, the insurance company will only pay 6300.00 on a truck I owe 8000.00 on and the bank says it's worth 10,000. So where do I stand? Got to finance 1700.00 more for a truck I don't have to get the bank to release the title to the insurance company. Atty says there is nothing I can do about it because of new federal guidelines that set the value of a vehicle.

    So, I now have a bigger bank note, no vehicle and a huge headach from dealing with an insurance adjuster every day since the wreck.

    Anyway, for more important issues,,, Chiro, I am praying for you and your wonderful children, may God bless you and protect you.

    Also, thanks for the well wishes for the wife, she didn't intend on the wreck happening and she is very upset still... BUT SHE STILL AINT DRIVING THE BOOPS RIDE!:D

    I'll try to get back quicker next time, but no promises made... GRANDBABY is due anytime, and when she arrives, SHE'S QUEEN. :D

  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Hang In There !

    Hi Robin ;

    Life's -so- unfair at times.... :mad:

    This is why I don't finance my vehicles , I'd go berzerk if they pulled that B.S. on me .

    My Neice just had her third child , this one another son , wow , makes me feel old , I can't wait to go Down East and see the brood and mayhap Momns too before she's gone .
  3. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Alright-- It's time to get a little rough with the ins, adjuster-- spell it out very carefully that the bank is insisting the truck is worth 10 large , therefore the ins. co. owes you $ 10,000. If he continues to argue, tell him that you want to discuss the matter with the local claims manager. If you don't get the matter resolved , please call me @ 406-544-4564 and I'll help you take it to the next levels until it is resolved.

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