amount and type of oil

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by heinemeyerb, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Chiro can tell you how to clean a breather cap, but...

    go to Nate on the scoop for cleaning the road draft tube:D :D Sorry Andy, Zig made me say that!:D
  2. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    WoW ! The never ending breather post starts up again:D Funny thing my wife just called asked if I could get the grille out of the shed for her to cook on tonight. Funny how them woman know ?
  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    I'm sorry Andy- but that was a hoot! "Get the grill ready"- they DO know. Just like at night time after I've come in from setting in my truck, looking at the moon reflecting off of that rounded hood and fender, I come in and the first words out of her mouth are, "You've been out at your truck?"
    BUT- I LOVE grilling! I could grill everyday of the week and it wouldn't bother me a bit. (Think Arrowhead stadium...) I just can't help it- I see "grill" and "oil" and the next thing you know- I'm trying to catch my breath! My wife even walked by during one of those spells and said, "Gosh Paul- Breath!" I fell out of my chair.
    Pay-backs are a mother, and with my pea-sized brain, it shouldn't be to long of a wait!;)
  4. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    Oil Opinion in Vintage Truck

    Tech Tips in Vintage Truck has a fairly hard sell for using modern diesel engine oils in lieu of modern gasoline engine oils (page 14) in older engines with flat tappets.

    I would like to have your opinions on this issue. If I am putting less than 3,000 miles a year on my 235, and changing my oil evey six months, and using top quality synthetics, do I really need to worry about excessive engine wear because of little or no ZDDP (zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate) in the new gasoline engine oils?

    I am old school, really have used straight weight oils most of my life, had good experiences. I use multi vis today because my owners manuals say to. I use sythetic gas engine oil in my 235 because I beleive what I read about the new synthetic oils. Mostly that synthetic oils will not cook, or break down like the old formula motor oils.

    My GP worked for The Texas Company and made Havoline Motor Oil for several decades, he told me all about motor oil. He also explained what "Pennsylvania Grade" indicates about motor oil. It's made from parafin based crude, instead of sulphur based crude.

    Any old engine chemists out there?

    I want to hear your opinions after you read the article in the last issue of Vintage Truck:D

  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Oil Thread = FUN !

    Jim ;

    I'd say you're going to be fine .

    I run Valvoline Dino oil in my 235 and I work it hard , so far so good . if the cam goes flat (unlikely) I'll swap in a 261 cam and love the extra power .

    Synthetic oils are the very best but out of my leauge price - wise sad to say . I get a few quarts of synthetic oil " On The Cheap " so I use it in my Motos and special projects too .

    I've been running synthetic 5W-30 oil in my Mercedes Diesel Coupe and just to-day I replaced the leaky oil pan ~ when I took the pan off , the inside of the engine was clean like a new car and the DPO didn't take much care of it in the last 10 years , I used synthetic oil in it to clean all the sludge out . job done ~ I didn't have to clean anything in side the engine .

    Regular hot changes of Dino oil would have cleaned it out too but in a year or so instead of a few months .
  6. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ
  7. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Nate, thanks for bringing up the metal oil can!! i was beginning to think the other guys were newbies or just had lost their memories!
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Old Timey Oil Cans

    ...Do you remember the oil displays right on the pump islands ? I do ~ I used to keep it stocked with empty vans of various oils and tranny fluids etc. , made a nice sight IMO :)

    Sadly the days of the full service filling station are long gone , more's the pity I think , a good way to teach young 'uns service , courtesy and respect .
  9. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Yea, i pumped gas, worked as a "grease monkey", and finally got "promoted" to the parts department. Somehow i survived all of those jobs, and lived to tell about it.

    Nate, i worked as the grease monkey at a VW dealership in NW FL as a youngman. I remember a new VW bug (68) that Daddy had bought for his sweetheart girl. they brought it in for the first oil change and i had to clean half an inch of beach sand off the bottom before i could change the oil.... I also remember that my predecessor, who was still working at the shop, had left the oil out when he serviced a car. The AF officer's wife drove it about 6 miles back to the base, noticed that it didn't sound right, and asked the guard what she should do. The guard checked the oil, found that it was empty, and told her to drive it back to the dealer... as i heard it, they let it cool, put in the oil and took a tonque lashing from her husband, but no major problem for the car.
  10. ADtije53

    ADtije53 Member

    Feb 22, 2007
    Quaker Oil API SL

    I have been reading about this deal of the newer oils that have no zinc on them. In one of the places that I read they recommend to use API SL rated oil, I went to Wally world today and looked at every single jug of oil thay had in stock and all oils are API SM rated which means no Zinc additives. The only oils that has the SL API rating were the Rotella Syntetic and the Quaker Peak performance oil. I got me a couple of gallons. Also a friend of mine that works at the local NAPA store recommends to add a Zinc additive that they carry that helps avoid the problems with the cams and tappets.


    '53 3100
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Home To-day So......

    ..I looked at the various & sundry car stuff that adorns the big TV shelf thing in my living room , I'm holding a waxed cardboard can of Valvoline high performance racing motor oil , part # 229 SAE 40 . it has cute crossed checkered flags on it and is rated API Services SC , SD , SE .

    I suppose those are all long forgotten now .

    This was a prize in the 2005 So. Cal. Cycle TT Ride , what a hoot that was.

    Sadly , I forget my best magnetic Church Key in my 1929 Model 'A' TuDor when I sold it some years ago ,

    Only one left , stuck to the side of my stove , it's made by " Jiffy " in Pensaugen , Jew Joisy .

    I like to keep these old relics 'round , like my commercial bottlecap remover , cast with ASAHI BEER one one side and Japanese characters on t'other , it came from some bar long ago.......
  12. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    ASAHI BEER Bottle Cap Remover

    Nope ! mine is made of alloy and is much beefier , the letters are in a recessed area and highlited with red paint ~ it's a commercial tool , that's why I dig it .

    That one there is nice but made for home use , chromed and pretty .

    Hey ~ if you can find this stuff so easily on the 'net , find me a place in So. Cal. that has Citric Acid Powder I can walk in and buy....

    I just got home from Dr. Truong's , he had to adjust me again , I've been having rough nights..

    TIA ,

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