1954 Chevy 3100 pickup great project - $2500 http://phoenix.craigslist.org/car/402807286.html looks like it's in good shape and it's got the original radio!! wish i had room for it!! jon
Oh man! I just want to go take some photographs of that thing! I don't need another project (got like 4 going right now) but that color scheme is just giving me all sorts of ideas for photographs. I have been out with the camera almost every day (due to the beautiful weather) photographing nature and such, but one of my all time favorite places to take photos has got to be some over grown junk yard. (Headed to the one in Wymore NE next month)
He Didn't Include... That this truck to has had the driver's side door bent 'round the wrong way and dinged the left 1/4 panel uo prtty well , looks like the body work wasn;t done propelry , tat's prolly why the junked it and slapped the drivetrain into a different old truck . '54 Radio , even if dead , is a good thing to find , they can be repaired .