Have you noticed that if you can't receive items by UPS or FedX the cost has gone through the roof? A frame from Ohio to Texas is eleven hundred bucks and a packaged Mar-K AD bed from Oklahoma City to Dallas (200 mi.) is $215. Maybe we could organize a travel schedule where people traveling empty to get something for themselves could haul an item closer to where needed by someone else for fuel money or a free dinner. Our truck and trailer is dead heading to Baltimore, Ohio, and it seems a shame to run empty if someone lived near there and needed something from the Dallas area. I bet the poor old trucker is still getting the same pay while the $3 fuel, high dollar tires, massive DOT paper work , etc. is filling the pockets of oil companies, suppliers, and creating more jobs for "public servants". My rant for the week.
Evan, thanks for the rant! It caused me to get off of high center and get my bed wood kit and new tailgate ordered today for my beater. Mar-K has been offering free UPS ground shipping (with a $7.95 handling fee). Sad commentary about our hobby. $1100 to ship a frame is a lot more than I've ever paid for a whole project car.
Freight Tip Try " Forward Air " ~ it's a trucking firm oddly enough and they ship Motos pretty affordably for some of my buddies . Also , if you can fit it into a Greyhound bus' freight compartment , they're pretty darned cheap too .
around here you just find a buddy with a flat bed, and pay him a few cases of beer in exchange for barrowing it. It is the gas to get to/from that costs a fortune!
$3 a gallon we would be so lucky Think your selves lucky the TAX man has just put 2 pence on a litre of fuel over here its now £1 a litre thats 3.8 litres to a US gallon $2 dollars to the £ = $7.60 per gallon . I suppose somebodys got to pay for the goverments pension fund and their vacations Thats my rant that feels better A ripped of Brit Gerald