Nate, are you online?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by put-put, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Have question on guage cluster pull.
  2. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Nate, i posted a couple of pictures of the fuel guage. I believe the "screws" you recommended attaching a wire to are on the sides of the guage? What's the best way to ground the guage? I have previously ran all the fuel guage circuits and it appears that the guage is not grounded. I found the sender unit was not ground and ran a ground wire for it. the guage now sets at about 1/16 fuel at all times.
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Here I Am !

    I had some errands to run .

    I'll need a link to pictures...

    To ground the gauge head , replace one of the gauge pod to dashboard securing nuts with brass or stainless steel , add a star typ lockwasher and run the wire from underneath that nut , to the cab proper .

    Don't worget to wire brush the studs really well too .

    Personally I'd get some two conductor wire and run a new sub harness from the gauge head to the sender , this allows them to be perfectly grounded .

    To ground the sender , same deal ~ replace one screw with a brass or stainless steel one , if you look at the holes in the sender , once should have a copper ring to facilitate good contact .

    There's a hole on the frame to attach the ground wire from the sender , I'd think it better to ground it to the cab as you're trying to " balance " the gauge head & sender to promote better accuracy .

    I hope this helps....

    The battery in my truck is dead , I must have left the brake lights on again... :(
  4. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Nate, the photos are in the 47-54 section photos. Just to insure that i understand-- the guage pod is the metal case that contains all 4 instruments? I grounded the sender a while back after you told me about that. When i checked it, it was not grounded. I ran a wire to the frame and then checked and the sender was now grounded.

    The guy that painted my truck painted everything, the "pod" and the interior. i have had several "ground" issues as a result. But, i prefer the great paint job! I like your suggestion on a wire from the instrument itself to the sender. Would this require using one of the small screws on the side of the fuel guage itself? They are pretty small and i'd be concerned about the treads and enough room to add a wire? Or is there a better place to ground the fuel guage instrument?
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Like I Said

    Use one of the four gauge pod to dashboard nuts ~ be sure to wire brush the stud's threads and replace both the nut and the lockwasher , using a star typ lockwasher will ensure it ' bites ' through the paint and makes a posative ground .

    The tiny screws used to hold the gauge head to the pod , are too small and delicate , you'll prolly strip 'em .

    I'm sure you know to use a ring terminal crimped then soldered to the new ground wire...

    If you don't have a soldering iron , then use some Moly grease on the end of the wire before you crimp it .
  6. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Nate, sounds good! It'll be tomorrow now. Looks like the grand kids are coming!! I'll try to get back to you in the late morning. I'm on CDT.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Be Smart

    Play with the kids now , the truck can wait .

    Kida are only kids for an eyeblink ~ I wish my son was young again :(

    I may or may not be OnLine to-morrow , the truck didn't start to-day and I have to get it unloaded plus pick up some old Mercedes " Bundt Cake " wheels and then load my Holda Trail 90 into it for saturday's CT90/110 Club event in...uh , ?Riverside? , Ca. ? I dunno ~ I'll meet a few of the guys in Fullerton and we'll ride from there...

    I hope the trusk's battery takes a good charge to-night ! .
  8. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Okay, i got the cluster back together and reinstalled it in the dash. Not to bad a job! Getting the cover back on the instrument pod while laying on my back on the floor and working hard not to ruin the temp capillary tube were the hard parts! I ground the instrument pod with a wire to the parking brake bolt under the dash. Next i reinstalled the battery and smoke tested; no smoke!! Switched on the ignition and the guage goes to it's usual location, 1/16 full..... So, being sure that i did exactly what Nate said, i pulled the seat off and disconnected the battery. Next i pulled the gas sender unit out and checked it's resistance in both locations and in between-- it's good! Now i hook the ground and sending wires backup and reconnect the battery. Dash Guage goes to whatever location corresponds to the level of the float.... i'm on the trail!! I now have a working dash guage!!And the guage is working, so... you guessed it!!! I looked at the float and saw a hair line crack. I turned the sorry sucker over and watched as drop by drop the gas leaked out of the float. Anyway, new float ordered. But now i'll have a working guage!!!

    Thanks Nate!!
  9. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Come on, put-put...

    You know Nate~ It's all smoke and mirrors with that one. That was just a lucky guess. It is EXACTLY
    why we never listen to ANYTHING
    he has to say!:D
  10. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    We're all very fortunate that Nate puts up with this crew, especially some of the ....
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Lol !

    I'm so full of it I dunno why you guys'd ever listen to anything I say anyways..... :rolleyes:

    I took the truck home last night and loaded it up , to-day was sunny & clear as a bell , I got out of bed around 03;30 and rattled on down the road , surprisinlgy , quite a bit of traffic in the wee hours , the truck purred like a kitten (except the noisy U-joint) and had plenty of power as I took my Moto to the tech Session .

    It's all tucked safely away again in SWMBO's garage now , next friday I'm supposed to load it up again and drive it out to Ridgecrest , Ca. , in the desert , middle of nowhere for another CT90/110 ride... :)

    Glad you got your gauge working agin ! .

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2007
  12. 47chevyrod

    47chevyrod Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Slaton tx
    I like the bike Ive grown up riding those I still have a ct70 that was my dads when he was in his younger years and its still a blast to ride
  13. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Well Nate, for some reason i recall Ridge Crest. A half horse town in Mojave. Dry lake beds, 1 resturant in town, 2 Sisters in Inyokern and Indian Wells a little farther up the road. Indian Well restaurant served salad anyway you like it, as long as you like blue cheese. Probably spent about a yr of my life there over my career. Use to drive the rental cars across the desert every once in a while. Remember getting a free sand blast job on a rental while passing thru Mojave one spring. But enough for now.
  14. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RidgeCrest , Ca.

    ...Is all grown up now , quite a few restaurants and even a Wally-Mart .

    Remember , the China Lake Naval training Center is right there.....

    LOADS of old trucks scattered here & there across the desert , many are wierd one - off Military rigs sold surplus back in the days when $35.00 would net you a good running old truck .

    I may not make it next saturday as I don't have the energy ..... :(
  15. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Yes, it has certainly expanded. My last trip there was about 5 yrs ago and it's a good size place now with several hotels and plenty of places to eat. Still pretty much out in the boomies, but a major improvement over the last 30 yrs. Even has a large number of contractors right outside the gate. I really liked going there after the spring rains and seeing all of the flowers booming in the desert. The wind was a big factor in the winter, kept the chill factor down there.
  16. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    If You Like Desert Flowers ,

    ...Then make it a point to go through the nearby Panamint Valley in the spring after it rains... WOW .

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