Zig, Check this out. It is within 5 miles of my house. This is the second time it has been listed. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1953-antique-GMC-shortbed-pickup_W0QQitemZ290175690100QQihZ019QQcategoryZ6251QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Gater
Gater, resist the urge! One "Zig" on the forum is enough! Don't go look at it, and above all, don't buy it!
Sorry, Gater When the school years starts, "free time" is time that I have to make- and it's hard to do. My only question is WHY THE HECK HAVEN'T YOU GOT THAT YET???? Looks like he wants $1,550.00- We already KNOW that since it's a G, it's worth more! buy it, Gater... buy it, Gater.... buy it, Gater...
Rusty Old Hot Rod Truck That obviously used to be someone's Pimp Ride back in the day ~ I'd not give $500.00 for it unless personally inspected up close as the doors look bad as does the cab . For $1,500.00 it's an O.K. place to begin but I'll bet $500.00 the cab needs to come off right now to address frame rust before it's too late ~ I've worked on lots of rusty fram trucks and when they plug off the rear brake ciruit , it's usually close to the end of the line .
Nate, Even though it is only 5 miles away I haven't gone to look at it cause it is already out of my budget. I am holding out for the one that a neighbor has that he says he will take $200 for. He didn't want to go look at it till it frosted a time or two because of all the hornets and such. Well, it has frosted twice this week so I am going over there Saturday to see if he is home. He also says he has a couple of spare 235 engines. I may just buy him out if the price is right. Wish me luck. Gater
Good Luck Hunting !! I hope you score a good $200.00 truck and either a 261 or maybe some nice , unstuck Long Motors
Guys, I need some help--I looked at the GMC above and suddenly I'm getting a message from ebay about an unpaid item! I never bid on anything and don't know how to respond---what do I do now? Glenn
Glen, Ignore it. This is an attempt by a copycat website to get you to log in so that they can get your username and password so that they can hijack your account and screw you royally. Don't ask me why I know. Gater
Gator & Bill, thank you both--I was at a complete loss as to what they were talking about but didn't want a bad rap for not paying. Don't buy much of anything on ebay but want to be able to if I want. Thanks again, Glenn
Never again! Ouch, Nate! I thought Gs had the frame that didn't rust! That does it G.~ You ask me and had no intentions of buying it because of $... That's called toyin' with my emotions! Why not offer him some $$$s for it? It's the second time around, it's got a lot of crap you could resell! (look closely at the pictures) You already have a stocker, this ones a G and outside of the box.
GMC's Much Touted " Rustless " Frames ! Yeah right ! the first time I went to look at a cheap '53 GMC , the rear end was only holding on by the Torque Tube and Parkbrake cables..... And this was in CALIFORNIA ! .(O.K. , it had been a MidWestern truck) And the boob was driving the freaking thing ! . If you look at GMC's AD era sales brochures , they actually say " Rustless Frame " !