Hi guys, I finally put some pictures in the gallery. Not sure how to set up a link, but their under my name. I have a few question after working some this weekend. First (I know this was dumb) but I didn't mark the front of the front springs when I took them apart to rebuild. Now I can't figure out which is the front. Is it the end with 2 clips or the end with 1? Second, if you see the picture of my connecting link, the openings look pear shaped. The manual shows them as oval. Do I need a new one or is this normal? Third, I put in a picture of some of the wheel corrosion. I've written off the wheels, don't want to be running down the road and have one fall apart. I have some mags that will work for a while, but eventually I will want to make the truck look original. I have found both 5" and 6" wheels on the web for a reasonable cost. (5" are around $55 and 6" are $65) Thanks again in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome!!! If I already said that, I'm sorry! Great photos! Thanks! That's about where I am with mine. I plan on putting in a new drag link, tie rod ends, all that front end stuff- just because. I'm envious of your garage! Mine's out under the great wide open. I would say your wheels are shot, and the others sound like a good price, as long as they are in better shape! Enjoy your project!
Hi Steve, On the front springs, two straps towards the back of the truck. I had just picked up a set of springs at the Hershey meet. The guy had taken them apart, blasted them clean, removed the bushings, painted and put them back together. Real purty. But...he put them together wrong, two straps on wrong side and pin installed the wrong way as well. Andy
Tech Hi Steve ; O.K. , that loks like the drag link between the pitman arm and the steering knuckle ? the oval hole is O.K. , what's important is the ball that fits inside it , should be round , not egg shaped for best steering & safety . Usually one of the tensioning springs is broken and the re-pops are crap , won't fit . get a good used spring and clean everything , re-assemble with medium pressure on the adjusting screw . ALWAYS use a new , correctly snug fitting cotter pin to hold the adjusting screw unless you want to DIE . Loads of grease and you can either find the sheet metal cover for the hole or make one out of a bicycle tube .... I posted a few comments on some of your pix ... Nice old truck there .
Thanks! Andy and Nate, thanks for the response!!!! Nate, it is the drag link and nice to know the one I have is OK. Don't want to die yet so it will go back with all new right sized pins. (I'm a believer of doing it right so wouldn't think of anything else anyway!) I didn't know there was a grease shield missing so I will make something out of some old tube material. Sounds like a easy job. Also, thanks for the feedback on the pictures. I did get to run the engine when I bought it and it runs great. I'll do a compression test when I get everthing cleaned up but would be surprised if it is not fine. It really ran smooth with 30 year old plugs and wires. I'm not trying to make it look real perfect, but when I'm done all of the moving parts will have been inspected, rebuilt or replaced.
Warning ! Warning ! Danger Danger ! Resist the urge to take the engine , tranny or Torque Tube apart unless they die ~ you'll be able to drive and enjoy your truck , they're really , really hard to kill as long as you : A. don't overspeed the engine B. remember to keep it full of fresh , clean oil in all the various places (engine , gearbox , rear end , steering box , numerous Zerk fittings for the white Lithium grease etc.) C. run it into a stationary object at speed . And finally : D. loan it out as NO ONE will respect it like you will , after all it's ' just an old junky truck ' , right ? . Have fun , once you get it all adjusted and greased etc. , you'll discover that the primary sales sloagan used to sell these wonderfull trucks was : " If It Drives Like A Truck , It's NOT A CHEVROLET ! . No , B.S. , you'll see . BTW : did you know " C.H.E.V.R.O.L.E.T. " is an acronym ? . know what it means ? .
Go figure! Nate would drive an acronym!!!! No wonder he doesn't drive a GMC~ That would be/is to easy to guess!
c.h.e.v.r.o.l.e.t Now this is the second time Nate's posted a question on the c.h.e.v.r.o.l.e.t acronym and there wasn't even one guess before - even though he gave us the stovebolt clue. We must do better guys.
Chevrolet Nate, I surfed the net quickly to see if there were any acronyms. All were on FORD forums and you could only imagine that they were not complimentary!!!! Hope you have one that is nice, I've been driving GM's for years and this is the second AD that I have rebuilt. (I sold the last one 10 years ago when I left the country and have felt bad about it ever since!) We'll need a clue to figure out your acronym! One queston on your post. What does it mean when you say run it into a stationary object at speed (FYI, I replaced the axle seals in the diff about a week ago and drained out about a cup of water with the oil and also dug out about a pound of nice 50year old grease that had settled on the bottom. Can't wait to drain the trany now!)
" C.h.e.v.r.o.l.e.t. " = ...... Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips ! See ? even our perjoratives are better than brand F's are What I said was : running it into a stationary object @ speed , is one of the few ways to KILL IT .
Thanks for putting my mind at ease. I suck at acronyms of more than 4! BTW, IIRC, a clappy valve is a happy valve! ITNR?
TLA's I try to limit myself to Three Letter Acronyms Beyond that I have trouble spelling!!! Nate, I hope I can stay away from immovable objects. Havn't hit one yet!!