Just a thought....

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by 1950gmc girl, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. 1950gmc girl

    1950gmc girl Member

    Jul 16, 2007
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    These days there are endless resources for finding new parts for old rides. I was thinking about this last night after I posted the bit about finding a decent salvage yard in the L.A. area. So with endless resources for finding new parts, why do I still paw through other people's discarded treasures to find the old ones?:rolleyes: Well, I guess I have several answers for that....
    -1. Although it is time consuming and at times dangerous, I still enjoy it. Sure it's always exciting to get a new door handle, set of valve covers, or a shiny new emblem via UPS, but isn't battling the overgrown weeds, discovering rattlesnakes/raccoons/possums in engine compartments, and getting covered in dirt much more of an adventure?!:D
    -2. I always bring my camera. Junk yards are a photographers paradise! Sure I enjoy photographing 22 year old bridezilla and her sugardaddy on the beach as much as any other photographer would, but c'mon!... So many interesting colors and texture in a junk yard! (also, old trucks don't complain about the zit on their nose or their hair as much;))
    -3. It is a good time for thinking and pondering. (unless you start hillusinating because it is 108 degrees, you forgot your water bottle, and the smell of differential fluid is getting to your brain...but non the less that can be sorta fun too:eek: )
    -4. Its nice to recycle. Oh sure my vehicle only gets like 12 miles to the gallon, but my truck is 99% recycled! I have used other people's junk to build one solid beast! The truck will live long after your pile of a toyota has rusted away. It is worth keeping mine around.
    -5. Junkyards tell you a lot about the annonymos people that have discarded their beloved cars and trucks. There is the old brown dodge something-or-0ther with a trunk full of early 80s porno tapes... The mid90s honda hatchback filled completely with McDonalds trash (maybe they would not have sideswiped whatever if they could see through the mountain of soda cups and paper sacks to check their blindspot)... There is the smashed lexus with a bottle of glittery pink nail polish dumped on the dash (not a good idea to paint nail while driving ladies) and every so often there is the old ford tuck with an unopened case of bush light still sitting on the floorboards.... And my all time favorite... An old GMC with a pair of dentures sitting on top of the ashtray, and an empty pack of viagra on the seat!

    Buying parts online is great... but treasure hunting in salvage yards... is for those seeking adventure!:D:D:D

  2. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Interesting story, let me know when the movie comes out! thanks for sharing those good thoughts.
  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Had to be a G?

    Ath Authtin Powerths would thay~ "Ith's not mine, baby!";)

    Fun (and true) story(?) you wrote, Jess! I love the McDs part the best!!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2007
  4. Climberdad

    Climberdad Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    Argyle, TX
    I agree. Life is not about the destination, it's about the adventure:cool:
  5. 1950gmc girl

    1950gmc girl Member

    Jul 16, 2007
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Seriously true story! I pulled my glove box door, a couple of nobs, and a vent from the truck with the dentures and viagra!
  6. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    I wonder who the dentures belonged to, the guy who took the viagra or.....

  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Just So !

    Yep ;

    I've loved junkyard crawling since I was a little kid and I have the scars to prove it :rolleyes:

    Ever photograph a pile of tires ? the differing contrasts offer endless possabilities , esp. if there's a low sun back lighting them .

    I'm not a good photographer in spite of classes etc. but it's a fun meduim .

    Out in the Mojave desert where I like to dig , it's often over 120° black widow spiders abound (just squish 'em with your thumb) , scorpions , Hanta virus rats and the list goes on....

    The hunt is the best part ! my old '49 shop truck is made of other's cast offs , especially the stainless steel window trims , all were not good enough for someone else's Hot Rod or restoration .
  8. i90wrench

    i90wrench Member

    Nov 6, 2007
    Draper, South Dakota
    Hi all! New here.. I do agree, fondest memories are tramping through the junkyard our farm when I was a kid. Would spend hours there and sat behind the wheel and "practiced" driving every old car and truck there. My favorite was an old Hudson Jetliner. People wonder why I don't mind the ever expanding row of "junk" cars (dead-pecker row I like to call it) growing behind the shop. You can learn a lot about people by their cars. Will be seeing y'all around!:D
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Welcome !

    .....To The Nuthouse :D

    We're a freindly bunch here so please sign your name or " Handle " to each post sos' we can get to know you ! :)

    Pacers , indeed ! :p I had a buddy who loved those things and had a Pacer Station Wagon as well as a Coupe .

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