Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Seize the day on Sunday! To me, every day is Remembrance Day! Ken
Here's to yah! My life could be a movie. The latest installment is me trying to get back into the AF. I guess the Reserve or Guard is all that will take former military, but I'd love to get back into either. Being color blind kicked me out. (carpentry is all I was suited to do) If I wasn't color blind, I'd be in working on those beautiful birds. If you can't tell green from gray, you're ... ...(it starts with a "F".) I don't care to personally kill anyone- I know there is enough support branches for that. I just miss being in. Former RED HORSE~ 823rd. I hate not being "in". I love teaching my kids, but I'd leave it in a heart beat to be back in blue. Sorry for the post, but you should see how I get if I ever pass by a REAL Air Force base... BTW~ I got out because of my 1st wife... .... Those who are still in or have been, you know how I feel. God be with you and bless you.
To all of our military past and present: Thank you for all that you do. I fly my flag daily in your honor.
yes, i am very patriotic. i thank god for this country and for the brave men and women who defend it every day. i just don't like lee greenwood. is that a bad thing? jon
Yes, thanks folks. We owe our freedom and right to own and operate old trucks to you vets. Zig, ever do any Red Horse at Eglin? WE have a large attachment here and have had for yrs. Mighty handy folks!!!
Pea- Patch You bet! '78~'82. Back then the squadron was located at the end of Doolittle's Strip on Herbies Pea-Patch. Those were my 18~22 years, and they were mighty well spent! The smell of pines and the sound of surf over at Navar... Thanks put-put!
Never Forget Those many who have served our great country in war and peacetime . THANK YOU , one and all ! .