Removing engine gunk!

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Steve Katzman, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Hi guys, need someone to tell me if this is crazy or not.:confused: (I have thick skin so feel free to be brutal!) Put some wheels back on and got out the hydroblaster on Sunday trying to blow off all of the gunk I could from the frame and engine. It did well except for the back end of the engine, transmission and mounts where the stuff has set up like concrete. 1700psi did nothing to this stuff and when you push on it with a screwdriver it barely moves. Looks to be a combination of grease and mud.

    I was wondering if it was practical to jack up the cab 6 inches or so and then roll the frame forward about 18" to expose everything. I wanted to redo the cab mounts anyway so I was thinking this would kill two birds with one stone. Has anyone tried this before? My other options would be to rent a steamer, but not sure if that would work or not. Or I could just leave the gunk and feel bad for about 30 years:(

    Thanks for comments!
  2. kustomfleetline

    kustomfleetline Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Franklin, KY
    Hey Steve, you have room to take the cab completely off??? to set it off the frame..... on it's back on some old tires...... that's what I did to replace the floor and all

    ..... I'm not sure you could move it back very far without raising it up because of the steering column.....
  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Steve, go to your local supermarket or Wallyworld and buy the cheapest oven cleaner you can find. Saturate your engine, frame or whatever is gunked up! It might take a few times, but that stuff works really well. Be advised though, wear gloves and a mask when working with it!
  4. kustomfleetline

    kustomfleetline Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Franklin, KY
    Yeah... that would be alot easier...... LOL!!!!

    ...oven cleaner works great, but it does burn the skin and eyes.....and it'll take a bunch of cans....
  5. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Oven cleaner!

    Thanks for the tip, definitely have nothing to loose by trying this first.:) I'll start putting some on and see what it does. SWMBO just told me we have some under the sink so I'm heading out now to try it on a few spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Deep Cleaning

    How did it go ? . since it attacks paint , rubber , plastic and ME , I don't use oven cleaner , I use plain old Engine Bright de-greaser , warm up the engine a bit them spray it down , let soak in , spray it again then I go to work with the 1" putty knife , hard bristle round solvent brush , tooth brush and have at it ~ you'll come out looking pretty nasty but the gunk comes off in time and all you have is hose water , no Haz-Mats running down the driveway . it'll kill grass though so do be carefull where you work .

    Remember : engine is GREY nor red nor orange , that's for V-ates :rolleyes:

    You can paint it green and folks will think you have a 261.... :p
  7. 1950gmc girl

    1950gmc girl Member

    Jul 16, 2007
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Funny you mention oven cleaner... I have used engine degreaser to clean my oven!

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