Besides the driveshaft, what else would i have to change to get a 700r4 in my '66 short/step? is an '88 model w/shift kit?
you would need to modify your crossmember, have some way to connect the tv cable to your carb with the correct geometry and a way to lockup the converter. I modified my stock crossmember and bought the carb adaptor and converter wiriring kit from Summit.
Lock up the converter? I just finished pulling the engine and tranny out of the '61 my dad gave me. The tranny is a 700R4. I detailed the engine bay, resealed the engine and tranny, cleaned and painted and put them back in. They look GREAT! My tranny, however, confuses me. The only thing connected to it is the shift linkage, kick down throttle and wires to the speedo servo. I see another 4 wire plug on the driver's side of the tranny, but nothing is connected to it. Is my set up messed up? It felt like it drove fine before I yanked everything out. I have no idea what locking out the converter is all about. I've never been much for working on transmissions. is the answer for alot of those questions. You can use the colum shifter but it won't go into 1st though. Locar sells an adopter to fix this problem. In my old truck the brackets were old and worn out so I just installed a Megashifter. A lock up kit is needed for highway speeds. It will still work without this but the tourqe converted will not fully lock at highway speeds. The crossmember needs to slide back a couple inches. I don't think the old one will work. I used a tubeular on from CPP. It was super easy to work with and is about 30lbs lighter. Speedo gears is often over looked but has a calculator to figure which one you need. You will need to know tire size and diff. ratio. And most importantly NEW BOLTS!!!!
Based on my personal experience, and nothing against BowTie Overdrives, I recommend that you get a rebuilt trans locally. If anything goes wrong it can really screw up a project's timeline dealing with resolving the problem, shipping the trans back, waiting for delivery of a replacement, then going through the process once again. ( ask me how I know!) Things do go wrong even with the very best of vendors. To avoid the 3 month delay in a projects completion, ( no lie. that's how long it took!), get the trans from a local rebuilder. The 700R4 can be tricky to set up, if not done right the trans will destroy itself in a VERY short time, like almost immediatly. BTO's instructions on setting up the trans need to be followed EXACTLY, and you should read their TV Cable 101 article at least twice. Val
thanx dvalentine, Im for sure gettin the tranny locally, just wanted the correct tv knowledge and how-to... what ya think about my 'mildew' paint job...?
Oh yea. I only used BTO for refrence and speedo gears. They are very spendy. Getting the tranny is the best bet if something goes wrong.