Hey all - I am trying to sell a guy some of my used parts - he is only interested in the TOP two bars of the chevy grill. My truck is a GMC, and these chevy parts are all disassembled, so I am uncertain as to which grill bar goes on top. I ASSUME the narrowest (from end to end) with it's own tabs attached goes on the top(#1). Then the next one down (#2 down) bar is a little bit wider and does need a splash bar to attach to it. I appreciate the help as I want to only send him what he needs. I searched the forums and could not find any thread titles with this topic. Thanks!
A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say! The grille bars get progressive longer starting with the shortest on top. Here's what a grille looks like from the backside. https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=822&cat=500 Hope that helps.
Perfect! Thanks Ken - I assumed that was correct, but I didn't want to have to assume. I knew you guys would know for sure.
Speaking of proctologists-- do you know what cars they drive????? - - - - - Brown Probes! OK -No Groaning--I know it's bad!
That's funny. While at work do proctologists get tunnel vision? What do you call a proctologist in Jamaca? = Pokemon OK just to be somewhat on topic I'll post a picture of the Chevy grill. OK I'll admit, it was a shameless plug to show off my new grill from classic parts.