Another 700R4 question

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by HookedUpGTP, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. HookedUpGTP

    HookedUpGTP Member

    Sep 26, 2007
    Ladson, SC
    I'm sure this has been discussed, but I searched and couldn't find what I was looking for.

    I have a '61 Chevy Fleetside. When I got the truck, a 350 with a 700R4 tranny had already been installed. I've seen comments on here a couple of times about locking out the converter. The only work I've ever done to transmissions is replacing seals and filters. The transmission in my truck has a 4 wire plug on the driver's side but nothing is plugged in to that plug. Is my tranny set up wrong? How can I get more information?

    Currently thing only thing hooked up to the tranny is the kick-down, the shift linkage and the speedo wiring.

    Thanks for the help!
  2. billybones

    billybones Member

    May 22, 2007
    near Buffalo NY
    The kickdown is not a kick is the cable that controls the internal fluid pressure. The plug that is not hooked up is for the lockup solenoid. I can't remember the color codes but only two of them need to be hooked up. One gets 12v all the time from ign spot in fuse panel and the other you will need to put a switch between it and ground to activate lockup. In my hotrod station wagon, I had it in my steering wheel with an indicator light to remind me to turn it off when coming to a stop. If you don't unground it when stopping it feels the same as trying to stop without pushing in the clutch in a manual, essentially direct drive.
  3. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    Check out they have a couple options for you lock up needs. I got the standard brake switch activated harness. The relay was bolted up inside the dash on an existing bolt on the drivers side. The wire were ran out the fire wall for a neat and clean apperance. And like the pervious reply the kick down isn't a kick down. It is a TV cable. If you are running a no stock carb like Holley or Edlebrock then you will need a TV corrector bracket to allow it to work correctlly.

    Quite a few of us have done a 700R4 swap and can lead anyone in the right direction for those type of questions.
  4. burb boy

    burb boy Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    700R4 lockup

    I have a 63 burb 350 with 700R4. I used a B&M lockup speed control. burb boy

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