Hi guys, I'm busily cleaning and painting and want to pull the crankase vent tube. It's support is broken so I figure its best to pull it out, weld it up and give it a nice coat of paint. Only issue is it wont come out Is there a trick? When I tap it with a small hammer I can feel it move, but only a very little side to side. Thanks!!!
Steve, the tube is held on by one bolt down at the base, and I'm assuming that yours broke at that point. Once that's out of the way, gently tap it around from all possible angles and it should come out. Chiro knows the best way to clean one of those. He learned the hard way. (sorry Andy, it will never die!)
Vent Tube Ken, thanks for responding so quickly!!!!!!!!! I read your note and went right out and started tapping again. Kept going until it started to move and got it out. Lucky I did, its all gued up inside A little degreaser will take care of it and I'll be welding it back up tomorrow! Will search the archives tonight to see what Chiro did
Oh Maaaaaannnn Geez Ken, You beat me to it As far as crankcase breather tubes are concerned, I know NOTHING about how to clean those. However, ask me how to clean a breather oil fill cap and I'd be glad to lend my expertise. (Actually Steve, the photo below is how you are supposed to clean the crankcase breather tube, NOT the oil fill cap. It was my mistake, oh those so many months ago, that I did this to my oil fill cap and I have YET to live it down). Kinda makes me feel special and just like a kid being razzed for silly mechanic mistakes from my youth. Andy
Road Draft Tube Fun Steve , don't expect any de - greaser to fully clean out the 50 + years of sludge ~ that's why Andy BBQ'd his tube , I taught him to (but he gets razzed , go figure) as that's the only way to safely clean it , you MUST NOT bead blast it ~! . Have fun , it's supposed to be glossy black and you remove and install it by whacking it with a dead blow mallet . Or , use a block of wood and a single jack but _never_ hit it directly with a hammer as it'll dent .
Obtw : You know how Ken said Opossum ? Opossum looks like a big greasy rat and guess what ? that's how it tastes tooo ! Guess how I know this ?
cranken up the barbie Nate, I'm afraid to ask but then again, I lived in Asia for many years and learned how to eat anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After I weld the thing up tomorrow the tube's going on the Barbie Plan is to throw a few jalapena's inside to give it flavor.
Sure hope you saved it (what came out) for next time. A nice kabob is possibly in order here...maybe some some small carb parts or dash knobs and of course onions, mushrooms.....???????????
Steve, now that it's cooled down... And, yes, I smelled it this afternoon, take a wire brush and give the innards a good brushing. As Nate has said before, no need to prime, just hit it with some good ol' Rustoleum! (see Nate, I do pay attention!)
Ya Done Good ! Amazing what came out of it , isn't it ? Now , your engine will be properly ventilated and less oil leaking I still use the incorrect vented oil filler cap 'cause I'm hardheaded that way BTW : now you're a member of the not overly secret Road Draft Tube Bar-B-Queing Society......
"The Society" I think everyone should become part of Nate's not so secret society!!! For the record, a large mound of black powder poured out of my tube. Based on what I saw, it had to be packed solid with gunk. Sanding is real easy after the tube has been cooked for a few hours so repainting is a breeze.
Initiation Maybe we should have an initiation and it should be cooking off your Road Draft Tube then saving ,photographing and posting , pictures of the crumbly black crud that comes out as NO ONE believes this until they actually SEE it with thier own eyes.....