Something Else Wrong with my 235?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Bossman, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. Bossman

    Bossman Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    McMinnville USA
    I am still having a problem with my 235. I have played with the carb and am starting to think something else might be wrong. Here is the symptom:
    I can go out and start the engine with no problem when it is cold. Just pump it twice, pull the choke, and turn it over about 3 times. It catches and runs at about 1200 RPM. I back off the choke as it starts to run rough (about 20 seconds after starting) and within a minute or two the choke is fully pushed in. (I confirmed this by looking at the choke plate in the carb to make sure it is fully open.) Then it will run a bit rough but it idles around 600 RPM. Then it will start running rougher and rougher and begin dumping gas out the bottom of the carb. This is the second carb to do this... the first was a ##### YF and this one is a Rochester B rebuild. If I increase the throttle, I can keep it running but if I let it idle it will start running rougher and rougher and eventually will die, no matter what I do. Once this happens it acts like the batter is dead... it is hard to turn over and it flat won't start. If I let it cool back down to almost ambient temp, it will start right off and run fine until it warms up.
    Is it possible that I have the valves adjusted too tight? This uses hydraulic lifters instead of solid and I haven't been able to run it long enough to warm it up enough to try to set them hot. Any other ideas? I am trying to get this reliable enough to put back on the road, but I don't trust it to get out of the driveway without quitting.

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