I would like to re-install the floor starter switch, previously removed by others. Is it possible to install a new/used floor switch with a 235 engine? I guess I don't know wheter it's a mechanical or electrical link, or much else lots of the time! There's some great info on this site and archives, but I haven't seen this subject addressed. Thanks for your help. Larry
should be straight forward Well, I tried to send you a photo of my set-up but something was wrong with my jpg "file'. You should be able to find the pedal and hardware from a junker and assemble on your 235. The 54 and 55.1 used this set-up with the 235, and I believe the bell housings are much the same. Jim
It's all mechanical with the positive battery cable going to the switch mounted on the starter. You push down on the floor mounted starter pedal and with linkage that in turn presses down on the starter switch to complete the circuit. Long winded reply!
Larry, Have you been out to Antique Auto Ranch? They have a few of these assemblies still around. If you don't know about them, they are on Dollar Rd. a few blocks northeast of Trent and Fancher. They have a half dozen or so ADs for parts and prices are reasonable. Good luck, Bob
Pedal Starter You'll need the entire linkage and the starter too ~ if you're lucky , the Delco tags will still be on the nasty , greasy old starter , black is for 6 volts and red is for 12 volts , it's O.K. to run 12 volts through a 6 volt starter . When you're looking at the junkers , look closely at the passenger side of the linkage as there's supposed to be a little retraction spring that returns the linkage and Bendix , the the rest position , you'll be wanting to take that and ALL the hardware (bolts etc.) too so take along some LARGE ziplock baggies . Be sure to snap a couple pictures of the parts in situ to as once you get it home and take it all apart for cleaning and wire brushing and re - painting (gloss black BTW) you'll then be faced with 30 odd small parts that look very hard to assemble . ALL the linkages interchange but the earlier ones are casted and so look a bit nicer . Good luck hunting , I found these items for $10.00 at the auto jumble and then I bought a couple greasy old starters off of core engines NO ONE wanted to touch as they were underneath literally 1/2" of the nastiest gooey dirty grease you can possibly imagine . Of course , this meant I finally found the original " Just So " starter bolts I'd been hunting for years.....
Question for you Nate. I want to do this to my AD too. I have the linkage already, but the starter in my truck I believe is correct for a key start car engine (1955), with a solenoid. Are the starters for trucks the same or do I have to find a starter off a '55-59 truck? Also, isn't there a difference between the flywheel teeth on 12v and the older 6v systems? Thanks, Bob
Maybe these diagrams will help http://chevy.tocmp.com/1929_54chevyparts/02/139.HTM http://chevy.tocmp.com/shop/1948_51truck/51ctsm1218.htm
6 > 12 Volt Starter Notes You'll need a different starter , perhaps another will swap you for what he's got as the pedal starters are _completely_ different . Here's a link to some starter notes , this hyperlink looks goofy to me but it worked , if I messed it up someone here will fix it I am sure : http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/cOBnRw...Ob5QuO_Dz6POQ-dEFgU/6 > 12 Volt Starter Notes Hm , let's try this : http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/cOBnRw...Ob5QuO_Dz6POQ-dEFgU/6 > 12 Volt Starter Notes Doggone it ! Maybe look here : http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/old-chevy-truck/files/ and scroll down to 6 > 12 volt starter notes . -Nate
Nate, Thanks for the information. I pretty much thought they were different creatures. I wonder what year Larry's 235 is? Maybe now I can keep my eye open for two. Bob
Starters & Flywheels The thing is , it matters not what the engine is , it's the tooth count of the ring gear on the flywheel as the flywheels are interchangable . For many years I got lucky and simply installed whatever junkyard starter I found in and all was well then on my buddys ' BITSA ' '54 Bel Air , we had a problem , it still had a 6 volt fywheel on his '57 235 engine.... I stuck in a '58 truck hydromatic starter and it made horrible noises although it started the car .
Tooth count Good point Nate. Didn't even think about someone previously changing out the flywheel. Bob
Flywheel Fun Not so much previously changing it out , but when the motor swap from 216 to romping stomping 235 occurs , you never know what they used .... Example : " oh - this '59 235 you bought , doesn't have any flwheel on it " ~ " No problem , we'll use the old 216 one " " But I'm converting the truck to 12 volts..." " 'S O.K. , that 6 volt starter works fine on 12 volts , you'll see " Or : " I want a key operated starter on this rig now " ............ And so it goes .
Thanks You guys are filling my info need. I'm in the market for a 235 to replace the 292 that appears to be just dropped into my old frame. No apparent modifications have been made, so I'm pretty sure that the 292 never ran in this truck. Between this site and Craig's List, anyone really know Craig?, I'm on a great project discovering what has been and what needs to be done. My intention is to rebuild close to original and have a fun dependable Sunday driver. You guys are a great resource, especially for this novice - Thanks. Larry
Ring gear tooth count Larry, For your information if you need it. 139 teeth on the earlier rings, 162 on the later rings. Bob
CHEAP / FREE 235's ! Larry : Head on over to the Task Force pages and begin reading , look for Hot Rodder's posts and FOR SALE ads , esp. the three year old ones , ask every single guy who mentions having taken out a 235 as they're all still sitting in the back of the garage , waiting... Pay no more than $150.00 for a complete , fan to clutch engine , often they'll GIVE them away just to see it go back into action Good luck hunting ! .
It's Deja Vu all over again This is the EXACT advise that Nate gave me in August of '05. I did as he said and put an ad up on the '55-'59 page and the very next day, the nicest guy in the world responded. He pulled the 235 out of his '58 a couple of years prior and it had sat in his garage waiting for me. Best part is he gave it to me just because it was going back into service in another Chevy truck. I think he really liked the idea that my kids were building this truck with me as well. Engine was complete from radiator fan to tailshaft of the transmission and it runs FABULOUS. Do as Nate says and you can't go wrong. Andy
*IF* That Is ~ ...Your idea of not going wrong means to live in The Ghetto in a junkyard... Hey , I like it a lot ! . -Nate
Larry: Here is part of what you are looking for: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CHEV...ryZ80735QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem