Hello everybody! ...talking about gas milage: I really love american classic cars,drove them as daily drivers until 2002 when they changed the German Deutsch Mark into Euro's.Since then prices for Gas went up. Right now you have to pay $ 1.94 for 1 LITER (not Gallon!) Super.How is that? My daily driver is a '71 Mercedes with a 3 liter Diesel engine.this car burns about 10 liters Diesel on 100 Km-but it still has style.
Damn, Thats The Equivilant To About $7.76 A Gallon Here. Im Paying About $3.00 For The Same Fuel. Sorry To Hear That!!
I'm stuck in the middle. Am old school hot rodder but agree at least they have brought back the interest in fast stuff. I do laugh at the goofy un-hopped up Civics with the 'fart can' exhaust.............great name for those mufflers................ but we should not laugh at a guy who can get 852hp out of a four banger Honda, like I have seen........... Until last year I was driving a turbocharged Mazda that would break the wheels free at 35mph on dry pavement....in 2nd gear...........I made my own ground effects and tail lights, had a wing on the back..........and it got 30mpg. Took the emblems off of it and no one knew what it was..............had alot of fun with it..........
OK,the new cars are fun when they work properly-they are fast,efficent and trendy.But can you fix these cars in 25 years from now? Most computers/controllers will not work so long,and there will be no replacements.I know of some Mercedes over here standing at at car dealer places that can not be sold because of electronic problems of all kinds-I like electronics too-when they build all that tiny,miracle stuff in my radio or Tv...
Computers stink to high heaven.......especially on vehicles. The ONLY reason they use them is to make you come back to the dealer for service. It is NOT for fuel efficiency............Tucker in '48 got 33mpg with his 'Torpedo' without a stinkin computer and that car had to weigh 4000lbs............. so yes, todays cars are throwaways, just like eveything else made nowadays.
Yes-and dont forget-with a comuter in the car they can shut it off from above (like Jesse James from Monstergarage always says...)
thats right!! youve got to watch out for big brother!! hell, the government is probably monitoring this forum as we speak and there going to shut our daily drivers down on us on our way home from work tonight. WELL NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! ps im not joking
No computer controlled cars for me-by the way: what is chip tuning? dipping nacho chips in salsa sauce ?
True, but IMHO us early baby boomers (how many of you that covers, I don't know) were lucky enough to experience cars at a time in history that will never come again... wildly creative body styles changing frequently and husky baritone V8s with 19 cent gas. And all that with obscenely bad brakes and handling! What will be the equivalent of the 69 Camaro or the shoebox Chevys or the GTO or 442s or the Mopars etc etc 40 years from now? Two things the tuner kids are ahead of the curve on are certainly handling followed closely by EFI... hopefully some of them will grow in to an interest in the American cars in time for us to have someone to leave them to when we pass on. Let us be kind and show them the way, if not for their sake, for our vehicles!
Yes,that is true-you can not own a car forever-it is borrowed (for only god knows) how long.My boy is getting 6 in January and tells me he wants my cars when he is grown up.He knows his dad keeps something special in the barn (by looking in the neighbors driveway and watch the cars in the streets)
Resistence is futile! "Resistence is futile.... you will be assimilated! Resistence is futile.... you will be assimilated!"