This is in my photo file and I thought I would put it on to show we do put them back like they came (but not often enough). It even has what I consider the AD's weakest cosmetic part--the cardboard headliner, and yes, it's wavy because the humidity has been over a half a percent since it was installed. Before some sharp eyes, like Ken's, points it out it got a front gravel guard and license bracket after the picture was taken.
Darn, Bob, you spotted in one picture what it took me an hour to find on The Tire Rack. The 21585R16's are close enough to the original that the speedometer reads close enough to avoid a ticket. Bruce, you or any other are welcome to come by the shop. There is no office, no "insurance regulation" signs, no "customers not permitted in this area" signs, when you step through the door you're amongst the insanity. Very often a request to give a hand is tendered, especially if it's your project being worked on.
Me too, just got my confirmation...Evan, I've got room for something small for a "carry on." Anything you need? Bob