The master or slave could be bad? Did you adjust the clutch pedal under the dash? Maybe some one else will chime in. Also welcome to the forum!
Hey, 62 Shortstep Adjusted The Clutch Under The Dash, That Did It Thanx,but The Clutch Is Real Touchy Is That Because The Master & Slave Are New ? ''thanx Again''
Cool!! I'm glad that worked for you! Yea that could be why its touchy, everything might have to break in.
I'm not sure about that one. Maybe the bushings in the clutch pedal are worn? Had the same problem with mine but never figured it out. I eventually swaped out for an automatic.
Play with the adjustment rod coming out of the slave if you have already correctly placed the pedal free play inside the cab.
''undesided'' What Would Be My Best Choise, To Keep The 305,and Hassle W/ Looking For Parts (all Stock) Or Change Out To Inline Six ? Right Now I'm Looking For An Oilbath Air Cleaner.anyone Know Where I Can Find One? ''holla''