I need a door for my 1951 chevy pickup. I can get a door shell and build it up? What is a door shell? I think I need to add the vent frame, window regulators, windows, handles.. Or will i need to weld something on it?
You talking about a door skin or a door shell? a door skin is just the outside skin of the door. A door shell is just that...a shell. Usually a complet door minus all hardware like regulators, glass and vent window frame. If it's the skin, you still will need a door and will have to weld. If it's a shell, you will have to evlauate exactly what is left of it to see what you will need to make it complete. Andy
Are you talking a new shell from a catalog??? BIG, BIG money. You should not have too much trouble getting a really good door from a yard or parts truck. I got mine for $40.00 from a guy in MN. Sure, it cost $80.00 to ship it, but the shipper damaged it (just a little), so the shipping charges were refunded. A little time with a body hammer took care of the bent door edge. Just got a repair estimate from my local body guy and the shipper refunded me. The door itself is excellent, rust-free and guaranteed to fit better than a reproduction. Andy
A shell is exacly that, just the sheet metal with NO other parts. Your 51 stands alone being the only year with twist down handles and vent windows. The 52 will have push button handles and differant strikers but are less troublesome--push buttons can't sag.