Do any of you have some pictures showing the (front?) engine mounts on your 235? I found that $100 - 235 from a '57 rodder (thanks for the tip Nate) and it looks like the mounts holding up the 292 aren't going to work...
Front engine mount photo maybe one of these pics will help, if not, maybe there is better photgraphy out there. my bride swears this is 'truck porn". Hope this helps. Jim
"Truck Porn" indeed! Check these babies out!
Nope ! What you need is a V-8 front motor mount for an AD , it's a non stock part and you'll either have to find one from a Hot Rod supply place or make one up .
Isn't LWJ installing a 235? And replacing a DPO installed 292? Maybe I got lost here. Someone asked me how old I am, I may have to go find my ID. A picture says a thousand words. Jim
Thanks, you guys are a great resource. My '48 cross member is all punched out and ready for the front mount, which is available. My '57 235 has a solid flange which can be drilled out. Any recommendations on number and size of bolts?
The two bolts that will go through the holes you will drill on the front mount plate are 7/16" X 2 1/2" long. I did this myself on the '58 235 I installed in my '55.1. Unfortunately, I do not have the measurements as far as proper placement is concerned. Once I drilled the plate and installed the engine, I guess they got lost or thrown away. I remember them being centered on the bottom of the plate, but I don't remember the distance between the two holes. Measure up the distance on your new front mount to get that figure. I drilled mine with the engine on a stand upside down. Here's a pic of number one son doing the deed with the appropriate "C'mon, give it some muscle" face and accompanying grunt. Andy
Front engine mount for AD The front engine mount for the 235 engine consists of a 1/8" wall thickness steel "box" that holds a rubber absorber, with a 1/8" steel plate on top of it and a thin sheet metal shield that keeps engine oil from contaminating the rubber. Also two carriage style bolts and two bolts that hold the block to the mount. The dust cover and rubber replacement absorber are available from most vendors. The box and plate are not, or at least I don't know of any that sell a repo box and plate. You will have to do some searching to find them. Be advised that there is a specific way that these simple components go together and getting the rubber absorber upsidedown or installed without the correct clearance will lead to excessive engine vibrations. The problem is, given a 50-50 chance of guessing which way is correct, you may not know you've messed up until everything is back together. Don't ask me how I know this....just take my word that it is better to get it right the first time. A good source of info and a picture of the correct installation of the rubber absorber in the box can be found in: Although this is for a factory shop manual for a 54 truck the single front mounts are the same. Hope this helps. Dave
Yeah, Dave is right. I bought a used complete mount off a parts truck just so I could see what it looked like as my truck had no engine in it when I got it. I planned on buying a new mount, but the used one was in such good condition that I just installed it as is and it worked out fine. Little thiings mean a lot with these trucks sometimes. Andy
Box and plate I am getting ready to get my engine back from the machine shop on Wednesday. My question is when I removed the engine all that was left of the front mount was the rubber, and oil shield, it was missing the box and plate. Do any of you know where I can order these or do any of you have any lying around you would be willing to part with for some green backs. Mike
Mike - I picked mine up on this site at parts for sale. I have also seen them from time to time on eBay and Craig's List. Happy hunting. Larry
New mount Mike - Here is what the complete assembly looks like. The rubber fits in a steel case and there is a steel cover, and then the after market galvanized shield. Happy hunting. Larry
In the trash Thanks Larry. I now know why I don't throw anything out. I started to question myself on whether or not it was the rubber, that I took off the truck or if it was the retainer. So I dove into the trash today, and lone-an-behold I found it!! It was covered in so much grease when I took it off 6 months ago that I thought it was simply the rubber retainer, but under all the grease was the jewel I was looking for!!! Thanks for keeping an eye out for one on E Bay for me Larry. Mike