vacuum wiper motor

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Tailgater, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Great truck!!!

    That is a beauty, Dog Walker! You used 6 volt from CP? I've debated 6 or 12 volt. Turning 12 would allow for modern tunes, but then again, that's a lot of work and tossing of parts just to get tunes...
    Anyway, WELCOME!
    As Gater said, hope you put your pictures in the gallery so we can all take a look-see!
  2. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    6 volt music

    Zig, I bought a 6 to 12 volt transformer off the net and plan on running a standard 12 volt radio off of my 6 volt system. No reason why it shouldn't work fine. Bought one of the CP (cheaper) 12 volts radios with 200 watts and Ipod connection. I plan on using some old high quality computer speakers for the surround sound! I should have it all working in a month or so:D
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Vacuum Wiper Basics

    Well ;

    Untill you personally adjust the valves and set the ignition timing , there ain't going to be sufficient vacuum to run the wiper motor ~ get aholt of a vacuum gauge , any old one from a junkyard or thrift store , pawnshop etc. , heck , Harbor Freight sells the Mity -Vac tool pretty cheaply and that's a great one , hooke it directly to the nipplke on the intake manifold and see whatcha got ~ post it here and we'll tell ya ifn' you have sufficient vacuum to run the motor or not , they're very simple and usually have simple problems stopping them from working .

  4. Dogwalker

    Dogwalker Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Marietta GA
    Wiper discussion

    Hi guys and thanks for the great advice and information. I am running the 6volt motor and it works just fine. I don't plan on being in bad weather, so the use of the wipers is more for personal gratification I guess...while I'm at it, next dumb question: was there ever a glovebox light?

    Last week while at a farmer's market, I came back to my '49 to find an 80 yr old gentleman sitting in the passenger side of my truck! His wife sitting in their Buick parked beside my truck said that he used to have one just like mine. I asked him what he thought about my truck and he lost 40 years of life and had a wonderful gleam in his eyes as he told me about his truck. When he was done, he started to get out and I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride. He and his wife then told me they live about a mile from me and see me out all the time and see my '49 in my driveway. I offered him a ride home and we took a ride down nostagia lane. He was so happy, he almost cried...damn I live for days like that!

    Here are a few more pictures and I get some of the interior which is near perfect.

    Happy motoring guys!
    Copy of Picture 007.jpg Copy of Picture 008.jpg Copy of Picture 009.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2008
  5. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Glovebox light

    I know you could get glovebox lights as an accessory in passenger cars for sure, not sure about trucks. But then again, why couldn't you put one on if you wanted to?

    I always love reading "feel good" stories. Thanks for sharing yours! Made my day:)
  6. Dogwalker

    Dogwalker Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Marietta GA

    Hi there, I appreciate your message and I was in Tomball, TX two weeks ago visiting a friend of mine. Small world.
  7. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Next time you're in town, stop by

    I may not be 80, but a spin around town in your truck would bring a tear to my eyes anyday!
  8. Fla54Chevy3100

    Fla54Chevy3100 Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    Central Fl.
    Supplimentary vacuum storage tank.

    I needed to beef up the vacuum supply for my cruise control.....used a 14" piece of 2" PVC with end caps. Drilled and tapped (1/2" coarse threads) in one of the caps for (2) 3/16" hose brass barb fitting....a dab of PVC glue on the threads and an interference fit with the threaded barbs sealed it up. Also added a vacuum check valve inline. Mounted the tank up under my driver's side fender and it holds 22-24 inches of vac.

    For the purist who wants to maintain the vac wipers and doesn't want to lay out the big bucks for a dual action fuel/vac pump it might just be the ticket.

  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Auxilliary Vacuum Tanks

    There's plenty of them in Pick-A-Part junkyards as most all cars built after the mid - 1960's use them....

    I like the steel ones that look like coffee cans , used by GM & F. Motor Co.
  10. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Now yer talking!

    OK, Steve~ I've spent the time since I read this thinking how cool it'll be to leave my truck 6 volt, and hold onto all those fine, original items I have. Do you have the name of the company that made this transformer that I might be able to www. it and see if I could get one? Sounds like you have a great plan there!:cool:
  11. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    6 volt music

    Zig, I bought it from "Oddball Audio Parts and Electronics" on e-bay for $39.
    Their not advertising one there now but someone else has the same one for $59on e-bay, just type in "6 volt converter". CP also has what apears to be the same one for $89:( If your not in a rush, I suspect it will show up for $39 again. Right after I put in my windshield I'll do the radio and let everyone know how it works!
  12. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    In order to use the origional knob with the electric wiper kit, mount the switch in the origional location. Take your origional knob and drill out the opening on the bottom so that it will fit the shaft. Drill a small hole on the raised portion that usually faces the windshield, then tap it to fit a small set screw. Put the knob over the shaft, and see how much to cut off the shaft so that the knob sits near flush with the dash. cut it off, and I find a stainless washer, or the flange off the origional mount, cut off and drilled so that it sits around the shaft nut . Mount the knob and it looks very close to the stock set up.
  13. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Good tip!

    Excellent! Mounting an original knob on an electric wiper motor doesn't look right, does it guys!
  14. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    12 Volts Out Of 6

    What you're looking for is called a " Voltage Inverter " and Radio Shack used to sell them . they were mostly used to run modern radios in older vehicles .

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