Hi everyone. I haven't posted on here in a long time. I had to sell(practically give away) my '64 LWB a few years back and until recently lost interest in trying to own another one. But after having to borrow my buddie's '66 for a while my love for the old trucks resurfaced. I've recently run into a '66 SWB w/250, 3-on-the-tree. It has rust in all the usual places but all-in-all is not too bad. I have not heard it run, but the owner days it runs and drives great. He's asking $3000 for it and I'm curious if that is a reasonable price. I paid $800 for my old '64, but that was 15 years ago. This truck is in better shape than the ol' '64 was. I've been out of the market for several years and really don't know what they're going for now. Any info/advice would be welcome, Thanks Ken
Here is my 2 cents... It may be better to keep looking based on what you described. Why ? The economy... The state of the economy has a direct relationship of the "precieved" value of collector vehicles. ( Believe it or not, trucks this old are considered collectible,, unless we are talking about a beat to crap hooptie work trucks!) If you want to get back into it, wait. If you like a truck then offer 25-30% less than what they are asking, and don't be afraid to walk away. It will take time, but be patient, something will turn up that is cleaner than "rust in the usual places" for a reasonable price given the changing market prices. Val
It sounds like a lot to me but you need to ask yourself is it worth it to you. It is a base model truck so as far as future investment value it is not there. If it was a SWB Custom with Auto, air and 283 then we are talking. Just my opinion.
look around on e-bay and you can get a idea of shortwheelbase fleetside trucks 60-66 chevy/gmc with auto trans. v-8 motor excellent paint they do sale for more like Drabo was decribing in above post.Does sound like a lot.
Thanks everyone. What I wanted to hear was 'you better jump on that,' or 'hurry up and get that deal before its gone!" What I got though, was much better than that. All of your opinions are a great help but drabo got me with "is it worth it to you." That's the question I'm really struggling with and you helped point that out to me. I'm not really looking for a future investment. Just a dependable truck I can drive everyday. This is the best deal I've seen in my area since I started looking again. Most '60s trucks here are either parts trucks or already have 1000's of dollars of customization done to them. I'm going to ponder the question a while longer and keep my eye out for something better. Thanks again everyone! Ken
I know what your saying. I bought the NUGGET in 2001 for $2000.00. Looking back on it I paid a little too much. The good thing was it had what I wanted V-8, auto, air, big window, Custom cab ect. So if ever comes the day I do decide to restore it, all the creature comforts came from the factory, which helps on the value. But for now, all I care is that she starts (even when it's -20) and she drives.
Darbo NUGGET is worth every cent of that you spent on it very nice truck from your photies you sent me couple of years ago,like you were saying starting at-20 below thats a HELL of a truck lots of new one would not start in cold like that..
I didn't say it wasn't worth it but just a little high for North Texas. If I had it to do over again I would still buy her.
I know what you mean Drabo with mine I could never sale it cause it was my Dads years back,its like part off family and the only person that will get it when I pass on is my Son hell never sale HERBY thats my trucks name my Dad is really amazed I keep his promise about not saleing his truck over the years...