I'm replacing my brake shoes. Is there any harm in replacing the brake shoe pin retaining "warped washers" with something more conventional?
Don't mess with Mother Nature! Huck or Bendix brakes? I've always said: "They made them that way for a reason." Don't muck it up by thinking you know more than those GM engineers. It's been awhile since I worked on drum brakes. Exactly which washers are you talking about?
Warped washers I just did all of my brakes and the warped washers work fine. Why would you consider replacing I'm with Ken, if they worked for 50+ years, why change now? Sounds like you need some Nate insight!
If you're talking about the washers you have to bend to replace the Huck typ brake shoes , go to Chevs of The 40's and buy new ones ~ I was thinking of trying to use modern ' E Clips ' but I've never found any that won't easily pop off with a gentle nudge and your life depends on the brakes so no , I don't think this is wise . I assume you're talking about pre 1951 Huck typ brakes here ? .
Yep - Huck type brakes. And after combing thru the cataloges, they have 'em for sale. Thanks for keeping me on track. Larry